Search results

  1. Adrian Fretwell

    HA Across the Country

    Always good to have a "lab" I have several "testing" setups in various configurations depending what I want to test. Sometimes I will configure a test box in order to try and replicate an issue that a customer may be having.
  2. Adrian Fretwell

    HA Across the Country

    Don't get too hung up about HA at this early stage in developing your platform. As you gradually learn more about FusionPBX and FreeSWITCH you will develop your own ideas of how you would like to implement backup and fail over etc. As with so many things in life there is no right or wrong way...
  3. Adrian Fretwell

    Call center and going on hold

    de G0TGD ex G6KGH, I couldn't resist chipping in with that!
  4. Adrian Fretwell

    Provision Editor?

    Advanced -> Upgrade -> Permissions Default DOES NOT change file system permissions.
  5. Adrian Fretwell

    Simple Bash script to show MOS scores

    I have been looking more closely at Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) ( across my platform and put together a simple shell script to quickly show the average score over a period of time broken down by domain or just for a single domain. Here is the...
  6. Adrian Fretwell

    dial from one domain to another

    Yes, you could do: condition destination_number ^(2\d{2}) or condition destination_number ^(2[0-9][0-9]}) and yes you would create a rule in both domains if you wanted both way calling. Think carefully about your numbering scheme so it doesn't get confusing for customers and also choose...
  7. Adrian Fretwell

    Hello from Switzerland

  8. Adrian Fretwell

    dial from one domain to another Look at Cross Tenant Calling. These threads may also be useful:
  9. Adrian Fretwell

    Hello from Kansas

    I've said it before, we do desperately need a new stable release. Helping people with FusionPBX issues has become very difficult because the software is in a state of continuous change. We are advised to install from master but changes are happening so quickly that even two installs a few...
  10. Adrian Fretwell

    Hello from Kansas

    We run Emergency services here in the UK, everything is at least duplicated and have multiple points of backup spread across several data centres, not to mention geographically diverse points of access in to the UK core telephone network. But when you need to provide 24/7 support 356 days a...
  11. Adrian Fretwell

    Hello from Kansas

    I would recommend FusionPBX, we are trying to build a good community here and most people are happy to help if they can. I do NOT use ANY non Open Source products for my VoIP platform and even though I am FusionPBX member, I will not use any of the closed source member only applications. I'm...
  12. Adrian Fretwell

    Odd Call Quality Issue

    It sounds like RTP packet loss or excessive delay on the legs from PBX to phone. Also some mechanisms are more tolerant of delay (jitter) than others, for example a phone may discard a packet that has too much jitter but it may be still usable to assemble a call recording. In situations like...
  13. Adrian Fretwell

    Debian what to update?

    Personally, I never update the OS. When I feel the need to do so, I build a new Virtual Machine that includes the updates to the OS an then install Fusion and restore the database. This post may be helpful:
  14. Adrian Fretwell

    Softphone push registration not terminating on new call

    FusionPBX normally works OK with default configuration for soft phones using a push service. We use several push services, but mostly Bria at present and on an inbound call the phone registers and the push service un-registers as you describe. I would start looking at issues/solutions with/for...
  15. Adrian Fretwell

    Looking for Fusion Wallboard

    @DigitalDaz Did you get redis working with FreeSWITCH lua? If so, would you share the details please. I ask because I am just about to start migrating my in-memory filing system to redis for the wallboard and didn't want to re-invent the wheel.
  16. Adrian Fretwell

    Dashboard missing missed and recent calls

    Ok, in order to see call statistics in the dashboard the user needs to be assigned to the extension, typically usernames are created with the same name as the extension number, just to keep things simple, that way, you know the username to log in with to control any given phone. Often assigning...
  17. Adrian Fretwell

    Dashboard missing missed and recent calls

    Who are you logged in as when you are looking at the dashboard?
  18. Adrian Fretwell

    Hi from Netherlands

  19. Adrian Fretwell

    Mobile-Twinning app

    Yes, I have realised that the upgrade instructions do not include Add Defaults - there may be a good reason, but I have put in a pull request with an update. App Defaults (amongst other things) reads the xml files in /var/www/fusionpbx/app/dialplans/resources/switch/conf/dialplan and makes sure...
  20. Adrian Fretwell

    Mobile-Twinning app

    Do you really need the inbound route if you have copied the 390_mobile_twinning.xml file to your /var/www/fusionpbx/app/dialplans/resources/switch/conf/dialplan directory?