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    Multi Registration Issues

    The reason for that is the old registrations didn't expire yet so they still persist till they expire if you have low registration expire time this shouldn't be an issue you can always turn off mutli-regstrations in sofia profiles
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    T54w issues

    I have noticed on the T54w phones that setting DTMF to rfc2833+SIP INFO is not working, only setting it to rfc2833 or SIP INFO works. If anyone has noticed this or has any info about it let me know
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    Using voicemail app via LUA

    fusion doesn't use Freeswitch's mod_voicemail, it has his own voicemail app written in Lua
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    Apartment Door Entry

    I have a customer that's using WatchNET AVCMC7. I didn't have any problems with it. The only issue with it, it has direct dialing on the display that cannot be disabled. I have found a workaround to disable them from direct dialing.
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    Callerid for voicemail call back (option 5)

    You need to set inline to true
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    Email to Fax Configuration

    Disable smtp_hostname
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    500 Internal Server Error. from Yealink Phones on BLF Notify

    I just spoke with a Freeswitch expert he said it's a known issue in Freeswitch. The CSeq in Freeswitch is based on the number of seconds elapsed from the beginning of the year. Since it is a new year, the CSeq from last year was higher than today, and the phone doesn't like it. rebooting the...
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    500 Internal Server Error. from Yealink Phones on BLF Notify

    I just checked my packet captures, the last pcap file of 2019 it was still working fine the first pcap file of 2020 I already see the 500 error
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    500 Internal Server Error. from Yealink Phones on BLF Notify

    Hey we're at the new year a year later @Adrian Fretwell I just noticed this issue on my server as well, all phones are responding to the NOTIFY with a 500 internal server error. id anyone found the cause?
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    Troubleshooting Tip - Inbound calls

    I would like to add to your tip, there are situations where gateways should come into consideration when troubleshooting inbound calls. That's when using gateways with registration, sometimes the carriers won't send the phone number in the INVITE line, but only in the To: header. The default...
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    Move Call Recording to NFS

    both of the above options are missing moving the recordings to the NFS location right after the call has finished. I wrote a bash script that gets executed right after a call hangs up through setting an api_hangup_hook in the dialplan add this to the user_record dialplan right before the...
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    How to setup Paging to not put active calls on hold

    I have a function that escapes all magic characters found online a while ago can be very useful function escape_magic_char(str) local magic_char = '(['..("%^$().[]*+-?"):gsub("(.)", "%%%1")..'])' return str:gsub(magic_char, "%%%1") end
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    Grandstream Wave QR code feature.

    I think it's only supported in master branch
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    deleting voicemail greetings issue

    goto app/voicemail and rename voicemail id and then rename back to the original one interesting it looks like a bug
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    Regular expression for caller_id_name

    check out it can definitely help you out on regex
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    Internal transfer with DID not working

    I would take a packet capture to see what's happening or check in cli
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    Internal transfer with DID not working

    Does it show up for the first person picking up? what do you mean it's not showing up, nothing shows up on the phone?
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    Dialplan processing for outbound routes

    I was just wondering if I"m missing something. btw, what would be the best way to check a user's outbound regex from a Lua script, through the database or is there any simpler way?
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    Dialplan processing for outbound routes

    Hi, where in the dialplan does the regex for outbound routes being evaluated and where in the dialplan is it getting routed to the outbound route in the cli, I see it starts off by processing the regular dialplan and then it moves to the outbound dialplan but I don't see in the dialplan where...