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    Block Some Extension to Call other Extension

    There was a slight error in the regex of the snippet I gave you. If it doesn't work, can you show your dialplan and logs?
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    Caller ID name change via command or API call

    Can you explain what you're trying to accomplish?
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    Block Some Extension to Call other Extension

    You can do it with a simple dialplan like this. <extension name="extension_call_permissions" continue="true"> <!--block if caller is 2006 and calls 2000,1,2--> <condition field="${sip_from_user}" expression="2006"/> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^200[0-2]$">...
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    Need to the location of the Fusionpbx configuration directory

    You can find the generated xml files in /var/cache/fusionpbx
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    Need to the location of the Fusionpbx configuration directory

    Fusion saves those data in the postgres database and builds the freeswitch XML config files dynamically.
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    Parse SIP invite packet

    Ironically freeswitch doesn't provide any way to parse sip headers. The header gets set as a channel variable sip_h_P-Charge-Info you can parse it with lua. hdr = session:getVariable("sip_h_P-Charge-Info") trk = hdr:match("Trk=(.+)") I edited this message what I initially wrote doesn't apply...
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    International Calling

    Something like this should work for you. ^\+?1?([2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{2}\d{4}|(?<![\+?1])(?:011\d{9,17}|911|311|411))$
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    Fusion stopped user authentication

    The backtrace is only useful when the dump is taken when the system is frozen and locked.
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    SOLVED how to configure for call center to announce queue position of the caller ?

    There are a lot of scripts and guides circling here on the forum about this, just give it a search.
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    Fusion stopped user authentication

    You'll have to get a core dump when this happens. You can follow the guide in the link below on how to get one, and then upload the gdb output here. If you're using wss, there's currently ongoing development in freeswitch on fixing issues with sofia freezing when using wss...
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    Hello From Brazil

    Hello and welcome!
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    Ring Group CID Number prefix

    In any case, with the external numbers, what are the chances the receiving carrier will trust the caller ID name?
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    Ring Group CID Number prefix

    External calls are using loopback, which might be the reason. The ring group lua script exports effective_caller_id_name with the prefix to the bleg, but in the case of loopback it might not get exported to the real b channel. The logs should show you whether it was set on the bleg.
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    It is possible, but you have to add the functionality in the lua hangup hook script to handle it.
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    Play IVR option selected, before connecting the call

    You can do that with group_confirm_file and group_confirm_key. You'll have to create a dialplan or dialplan tool that makes use of it.
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    IVR - Your call is being transferred

    Fusion plays that file only for extensions matched by the direct dial. It won't play it for any match in the ivr options even if it's an extension. You can manually set two ivr option 1s and have the 1st one play the file and the 2nd do the transfer. Another cool way to accomplish this is by...
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    Freeswitch Frozen issue.

    When it's frozen take a core dump and share the output of gdb. You can find the instructions on how to do it at
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    T.38 Fax Options and how to adjust them?

    400 is hardcoded in freeswitch. You can change the value in freeswitch mod_spandsp and recompile, but I would not recommend do so.
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    Call Privacy

    Can you share the INVITE message and the logs?
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    Upload Recordings does nothing

    I've seen this when the uploaded file exceeds the php upload size limit. You can configure this in the php.ini file.