I'm being suggested by bandwidth to adjust one of my T.38 options to a=T38FaxMaxDatagram:176.
However, I can't find where I need to make that adjusting in the Fusion/Fax application.
Looking at packet captures we are trying to setup T.38 with a max datagram of 400.
T38FaxMaxDatagram doesn't appear to be in the Defaults for Fax. Is this a variable I need to inject on the inbound route?
However, I can't find where I need to make that adjusting in the Fusion/Fax application.
Looking at packet captures we are trying to setup T.38 with a max datagram of 400.
T38FaxMaxDatagram doesn't appear to be in the Defaults for Fax. Is this a variable I need to inject on the inbound route?
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