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  1. timerider

    Provisioning Editor missing

    No reason why they shouldn't work on any system, follow the instructions above :)
  2. timerider

    Volume of hold music

    Thanks, I guess it's POV as to whether it should restart automatically or be manual and let us control. Some better docs would help. What setting are you using for volume as I'm still not seeing (hearing) any change?
  3. timerider

    GEO IP Tables to block all foreign IP

    I agree, but surely the only comprehensive IP blocking there is is strict whitelisting? Depends on the purpose I guess, One way to see how effective your iptables is is to frequently monitor fail2ban logs, any sip (or indeed any public facing) server set up initially seems to quickly start...
  4. timerider

    GEO IP Tables to block all foreign IP

    Where did you get the country sets from? I found that when dropping countries that there are frequent changes where a country (China a good example) get through on unknown or new subnets. Agree a white list the easiest, but possible the same as above could apply.
  5. timerider

    GEO IP Tables to block all foreign IP

    I find it more secure to simply block everything asides from a whitelist, of course this relies on static IP addresses or port knocking. There are of course downsides but it works for me. In the past however I did block based on geoblocking with lists from I usually only use iptables...
  6. timerider

    Volume of hold music

    I've tried in advanced/settings to change the mod_shout volume but seems to make no difference, also curious if this will affect other uses of mp3, i.e call recordings etc? Am I doing this right or is there anything else? Thanks Steve
  7. timerider

    NAT Issues with Virgin Business Broadband

    Seen the same on bt, talktalk and Virgin, Daz is correct, definitely the first thing to check. Virgin you'll need to call them if you're using their router.
  8. timerider

    Updating wildcard certs (preferred process)

    So I set mine up with wildcard domain.. best process to change it to just one or two subdomains? Will it mess anything up? Any cleanup to do before/after?
  9. timerider

    Intermittent audio

    Just an update for now but not making as solved just in case... Audio seems to have been working well, no complaints anyway. Don't ya just hate intermittent problems! My guess, it was a routing issue at the trunk provider. Let's see how it goes though.
  10. timerider

    Off-hook auto-dialer

    I have one phone set up to do this, I use the phones dialplan for this, not sure if this will work for all phones though. If it's the same on other phones (dialplan) then perhaps it could be provisioned which could be something added to the GUI?
  11. timerider

    Intermittent audio

    Little update on this, I checked the recordings from the problematic calls and audio on both channels is fine. When it started I was inclined to think maybe it was the caller, mobile networks past year have been terrible, but some of the problem calls have been from landlines. In summary...
  12. timerider

    Updating wildcard certs (preferred process)

    Third? But it's gone dry? I too have been wondering about this. Some possibilities: Run bind on the pbx server and use it as master? Send an SSH command to the dns server adding the record? All very well should you have SSH and run your own DNS.. Any other suggestions?
  13. timerider

    Intermittent audio

    Interestingly, just since I set up a new polycom vvx600 that I've noticed this. I'll switch it for another one in the morning and see how that goes. No problems today as far as I could tell though, which is a little infuriating as I could capture packets all day and it not happen :/ Changing...
  14. timerider

    Intermittent audio

    Every now and again I'm experiencing a drop in outgoing audio when called into via DID. It's difficult to replicate and my own test calls have been fine. It's like the mic on the phone is suddenly muted. Yesterday it was happening at the start of the calls, but sometimes happens later in the...
  15. timerider

    NAT-related issues

    Not sure where you are, but I've found that with some UK mobile providers, UDP simply doesn't travel through their network (at all). Shot in the dark, but try TCP? Also see if sngrep is showing the traffic on the freeswitch box.
  16. timerider

    Changing Freeswitch bind IP address

    I too am curious about this, it appears spamhaus have blacklisted a whole subnet with my vps provider, meaning email notifications won't work. I'm not relishing the idea of rebuilding and going through my settings. A decent write up on all of this would be appreciated by many I'm sure. A...
  17. timerider

    Intelligent IVR with Data-Dipping capabilities

    We need an extended wiki with stuff like on there, most useful.
  18. timerider

    Debian Buster Backports libcurl3-gnutls breaks ability to upgrade via the web gui and via git directly.

    That was my plan, but from bare metal. Long time since I did a dist upgrade to my old freeswitch server, but at the time it worked well (maybe the odd stumbling block). More just curiosity and the challenge of 'making' it work at this stage. I'll stick with getting my head around lua and XML in...
  19. timerider

    Debian Buster Backports libcurl3-gnutls breaks ability to upgrade via the web gui and via git directly.

    I just like a challenge so was gonna give it a go.. but then work got in the way anyway. Someone has to test it :p
  20. timerider

    Debian Buster Backports libcurl3-gnutls breaks ability to upgrade via the web gui and via git directly.

    Has anyone succesfully installed fusionpbx yet on Bullseye?