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  1. DigitalDaz

    Best Authentication Method? Username/Password vs IP Authentication

    Far from it, it is much less secure. You can use both though. Have a search around the forum.
  2. DigitalDaz

    Connecting to an Outbound Non Reg Gateway

    For inbound you just need to add their ip(s) to the acl just like any other carrier.
  3. DigitalDaz

    Connecting to an Outbound Non Reg Gateway

    Just set it up like any other gateway, put in a bogus username/password and set registration to no.
  4. DigitalDaz

    what type of HA is mostly everyone doing

    I user the, scenario I set all my ttls to 120 and route53 just uses a records. If the primary fails, the primary a record is removed. I have never had any problem with failover DNS wise.
  5. DigitalDaz

    Extract Call ID header in SIP invite

    The info app can be just dropped in anywhere, obviously, you will need it in the right place, in the gui it looks like: The in fs_cli you should see all the variables available with values so if you can see your value, you should be able to see the relevant variable name.
  6. DigitalDaz

    Extract Call ID header in SIP invite

    Just execute the dialplan app info, that will dump all the vars out for you
  7. DigitalDaz

    Call goes to VM first then extension

    Paste a log, there is something very wrong.
  8. DigitalDaz


    No, its perfectly sane, people dialling numbers not on your system are usually hack attempts. If you do not want this behaviour you can disable the rule in the fail2ban config /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
  9. DigitalDaz

    Quick Install Script Broken?

    Credit is to @markjcrane, he fixed it.
  10. DigitalDaz

    Quick Install Script Broken?

    I can confirm that there was an error with the install script. This should be resolved now. Logging into the GUI and running advanced/upgrade and ticking just app defaults should fix the one you have installed, then restart FreeSwitch.
  11. DigitalDaz


    Off the top of my head.... Your carrier will be sending calls for a number either not configured or misconfigured and the number is not being matched. This will cause a ban.
  12. DigitalDaz

    Culling the database

    No need for the password at all: 00 3 * * * /usr/bin/sudo -u postgres psql -d fusionpbx -c "update v_xml_cdr set json=NULL WHERE start_stamp < NOW() - INTERVAL '10 days';" >/dev/null 2>&1
  13. DigitalDaz


    Seriously? Magnus Billing is for Asterisk is it not? This is a FusionPBX forum, a product based on FreeSwitch.
  14. DigitalDaz

    Console Warning messages for invite and registration

    Just for your info, the console loglevel will be whatever you set it to, the file loglevel will remain at a higher level so that your fail2ban continues to work
  15. DigitalDaz

    Console Warning messages for invite and registration

    If you change the loglevel, fail2nban won't catch the baddies so just ignore it. You can change the console loglevel in fs_cli by typing "console loglevel 3" for example
  16. DigitalDaz

    Console Warning messages for invite and registration

    I usually have my log level set to warning and console loglevel set to a higher one like error
  17. DigitalDaz

    Console Warning messages for invite and registration

    @Adrian Fretwell That will stop fail2ban working will it not? I think the auth failure message is warning.
  18. DigitalDaz

    Outbound Routes

    The SIP provider doesn't send any rejection? Surely that cannot be right, the provider must answer with something?
  19. DigitalDaz

    Outbound Routes

    Just set the other gateways as alternates in the outbound route, that should do it as if it fails on the first it should just continue on to the second etc.