Search results

  1. Adrian Fretwell

    How to check voicemail from external call?

    There is a default setting called "remote_access" by default it is set to false. This may be what you are looking for.
  2. Adrian Fretwell

    freeswitch repo Unauthorized IP

    Signalwire now require an access token, search this forum, there are a few threads discussing your issue.
  3. Adrian Fretwell

    FS sends invite to private IP of client behind NAT

    The screenshot is largely meaningless without all the detail. Your sngrep is showing 8 messages, we would need to see the contents of all of those messages and the to and from IPs and ports. If you user the F2 key you can save as pcap. Seeing that would be helpful, but I fully appreciate that...
  4. Adrian Fretwell

    FS sends invite to private IP of client behind NAT

    Something is not right here, an endpoint should not change the contact IP it sends based on it receiving a 401. Did you get this information from a proper packet capture?
  5. Adrian Fretwell

    SIP training with

    Completely agree with @DigitalDaz When I first started to look at SIP many years ago, and I inquired about documentation or a manual, I was told "RFC3261 is your guide" and I believe that is largely still true today:
  6. Adrian Fretwell

    After adding Emergency Caller ID Info Phones wont connect

    Yes, I've seen this happen as well.
  7. Adrian Fretwell

    FS sends invite to private IP of client behind NAT

    That is pretty normal. FreeSWITCH will send invites to the IP in the contact header in the registration message, if FS realises that the contact header differs from the actual IP and Port that the request was sent from it will assume NAT is involved and adjust the stored contact details...
  8. Adrian Fretwell

    FS sends invite to private IP of client behind NAT

    You need to look at how 1008 is registering.
  9. Adrian Fretwell

    FS sends invite to private IP of client behind NAT

    ... And possibly a siptrace of the registration messages?
  10. Adrian Fretwell

    Looking for Fusion Wallboard

    These is nothing difficult in understanding what FusionPBX does. If you are competent with php, lua and the linux command line, then you can build your own anything to your own specifications including a wallboard. Again, if you are competent, upgrading your code to work with future releases...
  11. Adrian Fretwell

    Time condition issue - Not working as expected

    Yes, That is what I'm saying, (sorry I was rushing, it should read 17:59:59) it represents the hour part of the time, so 0 - 23 actually results in 0:00:00 to 23:59:59.
  12. Adrian Fretwell

    Time condition issue - Not working as expected

    8am - 5pm sets the time frame as being between 08:00:00 and 16:59:59. I can understand customers getting confused though. Correction: should read 08:00:00 and 17:59:59
  13. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED Исходящий маршрут для групп

    Добро пожаловать. Старайтесь писать на английском, если сможете, вы получите больше ответов на свои вопросы. (You are very welcome. Try to post in English if you can, you will get more responses to your questions.)
  14. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED Исходящий маршрут для групп

    Если вы хотите ограничить исходящий маршрут группой добавочных номеров, вы можете использовать механизм «toll_allow». Чего многие люди не понимают, так это того, что "^$" будет соответствовать расширению с установленной переменной, запрещающей использование дорожных сборов.
  15. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED DTMF не обнаруживается в IVR

    Вероятно, это проблема с обнаружением тона DTMF. Это может помочь, если я предоставлю небольшую справочную информацию. В SIP существует три типа передачи DTMF: RFC 2833, Info и Inband. RFC 2833 стал наиболее часто используемым методом, хотя с технической точки зрения RFC2833 был заменен RFC...
  16. Adrian Fretwell

    Softphone Apps on mobile phones not receiving calls

    I'm not saying this is your issue but it is worth considering... The operating system on mobile phones and tablets often put applications to "sleep" in order to conserve battery life. When an application is asleep it will not react to an invite and in many cases will not even remain registered...
  17. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED Dial out on an alternate port not working

    You should be able to do it with a bridge statement:
  18. Adrian Fretwell

    Hello from Bristol, UK

    We provide consultancy, but are far too busy to take on new clients at the moment. I do try to help people on here as much as possible. Getting a basic Fusion membership and then watching the training videos is probably the quickest route. Always bear in mind that the core VoIP process is...
  19. Adrian Fretwell

    Hello from Bristol, UK

    Hi Simon and Welcome. I spent some time working in Bristol and Plymouth in the early 90s, nice part of the world. Adrian (Nottinghamshire UK).
  20. Adrian Fretwell

    Rebooting Fusion takes 30 mins

    I'm sorry I don't really understand your question. Nothing needs installing.