HI everyone, please help!!, my newly fusionPBX just installed on Cloud is not working, when I use the static public ip address to connect to the fusionPBX server, I got an error
502 Bad Gateway, what happens? and why? help help.. thanks
Honestly, the easiest thing I’ve done when that happened to me is to just start back from scratch. Not sure what cloud provider you are with but if they have the quick reset option and then just run the install script again, it is way faster than trying to figure out where the issue lies.
Honestly, the easiest thing I’ve done when that happened to me is to just start back from scratch. Not sure what cloud provider you are with but if they have the quick reset option and then just run the install script again, it is way faster than trying to figure out where the issue lies.
Job for freeswitch.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status freeswitch.service" and "journalctl -xeu freeswitch.service" for details.
Honestly, the easiest thing I’ve done when that happened to me is to just start back from scratch. Not sure what cloud provider you are with but if they have the quick reset option and then just run the install script again, it is way faster than trying to figure out where the issue lies.