New Install / inbound hitting PBX but not extension

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New Member
May 13, 2023
I only have 4 numbers, and transitioned from Skyetel to Signalwire. Ported all numbers to Signalwire, they said the could help me get the number working again in FusionPBX. Well, turns out they can't. And said my instance was too old, even though I'm running 5.2.0

So, I spun up a new VM, ubuntu20, and installed FusionPBX. Added the gateways, added my first domain and number. SIP trunk registers. Granstrean801 registers to FusionPBX. Inbound calls I see hit the PBX, but do not make it to the extension. Outbound calls make it to the BPX as well, but do not make it to Signalwire.

Signalwire will no longer help.

I'm looking for support to review my install and make sure all is set up properly, and/or help me get this back to working. I'd gladly share access to the server or share any info that might help in troubleshooting


Update: I have 2 domains added, with 1 number each. Inbound now works to both. Outbound does not work for either. Probably something simple I'm missing/fat fingered.
My outbound routes look like this:


Something's obviously wrong, but I've deleted and re-added a few times and same results.

Anyone know what I might be missing or need to add/change?
Post your freeswitch logs for the outbound call attempt. It's under Status > Log Viewer. Make sure you put in the full log of the outbound call, from start to finish. You'll probably need to adjust the DISPLAY dropdown to 128 or 256 for that.
Your PBX should not be responding with a 407 Proxy Authentication Required, on an inbound from Signalwire. Check that you have the Signalwire IP addresses in your "Providers" ACL. If you edit the ACL remember to reload it.
Post your freeswitch logs for the outbound call attempt. It's under Status > Log Viewer. Make sure you put in the full log of the outbound call, from start to finish. You'll probably need to adjust the DISPLAY dropdown to 128 or 256 for that.
Call is from extension: 4062968767 to my cell of 4062601676

And here are my outbound routes Signalwire had me add:

Those are not the logs buddy. Nvm, looks like your problem is the order of your outbound dialplan entry. Is there a reason you changed it to 5 from default 100? Change it back to 100 and try again.
If you look at your outbound dialplan, the first entry is a condition checking if the value of ${user_exits} is equal to 'false' or not. This variable ${user_exits} is evaluated and assigned a value in the top most dialplan "user_exits" (default Order 10), but because you've changed your outbound dialplan's order to 5, essentially making it the first dialplan to be evaluated before the variable ${user_exits} has any value, the first condition in your outbound dialplan evaluates to false and gets skipped over. I hope it makes sense to you.

Friendly piece of advice, if you really want to run and manage your own PBX, I'd suggest you to first invest some time in learning how FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX works.
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So from what I gather, dial plan is in the correct order and making progress. Now, it seems the call is hitting Signalwire, but they are responding with a 850 cause=1. The info I got from them was the call was not in E.164 format ... they are not getting the +1. I thought I had the dialplan figured out, but still doesn't seem to be adding the +1. Here's what I have: ^(?:\+1|1)?([2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{2}\d{4})$ I'm still learning my way into the dialplan structure but from everything I've read, that should be correct. I'm obviously missing something either in order of operations or structure. What would be the correct way to add a +1 ?



First of, FusionPBX/FreeSwitch are E.164 compliant.
FreeSwitch is part of SignalWire, so I have no clue why would anyone in their right mind from SignalWire tell you that.

The 850 error indicates that the called party cannot be reached because, although the called party number is in a valid format, it is not currently allocated aka assigned.

Do not fiddle about with Outbound Routes, as Adrian stated, if you are not acquainted with how FusionPBX/FreeSwitch works.
The dialplan does not "add" +1. It means it allows +1 to be sent out via caller if entered.

I use them in this order:
100 - e911
110 - Toll Free/Custom dialplan
120 - NA
130 - Islands/International

Go to Extensions and check Outbound Caller ID Name and Number.

Effective Caller ID Name/Number - for local use - ext to ext dialing
Outbound Caller ID Name - 15 characters limitations, no special character such as - . or so on. Better to avoid it.
Outbound Caller ID Number - NPANXXXXXX or 1NPANXXXXX. This means 10D or 11D dialing (E.164 compliant) thus10 digit or 11 digit. If they require +1NPANXXXXX, then try adding it that way. Not sure why would they require + as most Carriers allow either 10D, 11D or both.
Emergency Caller ID Name and Number - it is highly recommended you setup e911 with SignaWire for the main number on per location basis. This has to be submitted to SignalWire and they will create e911 entry, especially if it is a daycare.

You should also add all IP's they use in ACL - Access List - Providers - Deny - add as allow.
Flush cache, reload ACL in SIP Status.

Also, I only use Debian as that is the primary OS supported by FS.
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