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  1. T

    LetsEncrypt / TLS Info in Docs still current?

    TCP and UDP both work flawlessly but I'd like to get the connection encrypted and TLS would be the easiest method... I just don't know if this issue is the phone, the cert, freeswitch, my config or a combination. Any thoughts?
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    LetsEncrypt / TLS Info in Docs still current?

    After trying a few things tonight I ran into some snags. 1 - If I created the cert with domain1 domain2 domain3 it created 1 cert with the common name as the first domain listed (my host/main domain) and the others as alt names. I kinda figured this would be the case, but I have two gripes with...
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    LetsEncrypt / TLS Info in Docs still current?

    Thanks Mark, I use the same root domain for accounts so that's good to know. So whats the procedure / any gotchas for using multiple certs now that I have used a wildcard (current cert in use). Do I have to remove the certs from dehydrated/certs first, edit domains.txt to include all my account...
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    LetsEncrypt / TLS Info in Docs still current?

    I have used a wildcard cert previously with my servers and am now wanting to go back to individual to help combat TLS issues with certain devices not liking wildcards. I haven't upgraded to 5.4 yet but will shortly, currently on 5.3 First easy question, is the...
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    DND BLF monitoring

    I know this has been and on and off discussion for years but asking in case things changed. DND feature sync is working from my Polycom VVX phones to the server.. I am able to use the DND button on the phone, and see that DND is enabled on the follow me page and vice versa, as well as the...
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    Issue with Intercom Page after transfer to new server and upgrade from 4.5.x to latest. -- possible other issue.

    For others seeing this I for the most part figured out the issue. There must me some sort of change in the new versions of freeswitch / fusion that changes how the AutoAnswer was set with Alert Info. I went back to the fusion default VVX profile on a couple phones and it worked. I discovered...
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    Issue with Intercom Page after transfer to new server and upgrade from 4.5.x to latest. -- possible other issue.

    Hello, I've been trying to upgrade a server from version 4.5x (master) to the latest. I had previously tried to upgrade on the server itself which is currently running Debian x and it always seemed messy or qwerky after, trying to upgrade to latest So. I've seen some suggestion on here to to...
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    Upgrade 4.5.31 (master) to Latest (5.1.3), No Registration safter Freeswitch update

    This seemed to have worked, although I did reboot previously. I did clear the cache as well. This a test server so just got back to messing with it. Now my custom music on hold is no longer playing. In the logs it says something like: WARNING] mod_local_stream.c:875 Unknown source...
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    Upgrade 4.5.31 (master) to Latest (5.1.3), No Registration safter Freeswitch update

    What I did/updated: On a staging/clone VM I updated from 4.5.31 (master branch), to latest 5.1.3 (still master) and all that seemed to go smoothly. Before running that update I did a apt-get update and apt-get upgrade with the Signalwire key installed. I didn't notice at the time but it held...
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    After update, freeswitch reverts to default -- nothing registering, database issue?

    I recently did a test upgrade on a duped VM and all went well. Did the git update command line, ran permission updates, and did each option on the update page one by one. Rebooted, after that everything was ok, Did apt-get update/upgrade, updated freeswitch and others, rebooted, and all was...
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    Currently on Master (4.5.31) - What should we update to?

    Hi There Slightly confused on versions here. We are currently on the master branch 4.5.31 and would like to update. If we go through the normal process of the GUI upgrade, will that update us to 5 or is master still considered 4.5.x? I'm ok with either, would just like to know. Now that 5 is...
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    Volume of hold music

    I know it's an open source product, and the devs and Mark can do what they want with it, since it is their project, BUT, what is the deal with the no actual current stable. For paid members is there a "stable" release and it's just for paid members? If so I could understand (SoGo / Inverse do...
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    Fusion PBX Whitelabel or Rebranding

    Just curious as to where it says that this information can't be published? I know somethings are restricted to paid members, but I'm curious as to why we can't share what we have found publicly (if we don't have a membership). I'm not sure I have everything exactly "white labeled" but for the...
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    General IVRs understanding

    I can't fathom why no one seems to understand your question, but I can't find a way to get back to a parent menu and have it use the short greeting. At all. Did you make any progress on this? I'm not duplicating menus just to get this "effect" when there is clearly supposed to be support for...
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    Volume of hold music

    Right now I set ours at 1.5 and it seems to be louder. Although I've started to question if it's "clipping" now. I haven't looked at any docs for Mod shout etc so it could be written somewhere. Also 100% agree with you on the docs. I get that people need to make money, and Mark and the team...
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    Volume of hold music

    Replying because I figured it out. After making the change you need to go to Modules and Stop and the Start the Shout module. Although I'm not sure what this all affects yet.
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    Volume of hold music

    I'm wondering how this setting works as well. Did you ever figure it out?
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    SIP via TLS on Polycom Phone (latest firmware)

    Recently upgraded our Fusion from stable to master. We also did a new install and imported, everything has been working great so far, but we did not have TLS previously. I followed the docs and have it working via MicroSip soft phone but on our Polycom VVX 450 with latest firmware it is not...
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    DND status not shown to other phones monitoring the extension - BLF stays Green

    @gking77 Have you figure this out with Polycom how to have a BLF button monitor DND as well as operate normally (able to dial/transfer when pushing the button)?
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    Setting distinctive ring in dialplan, not Ring group.

    If it helps I have noticed with Polycom phones anyway I had to use: sip_h_Alert-Info=internal I think the alert info may be slightly different with every manufacture but even others that I have found over the years have shown alert_info but at some point years ago when trying to get it to work...