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    Yealink provisioning issues following the expiry of the DST Root CA X3 certificate

    @hfoster - Is this using Dehydrated? It's not liking this param. Anyone know what to do for older Polycom phones (v4 firmware). It is older, but there was an update to it as of 2020. Mainly looking if the X1 is included in it, or if I need to go elsewhere which root cert I need.
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    DTMF Tones are "doubling" on external calls.

    Hello, Recently we've discovered that DTMF tones on external calls are sent from an endpoint in our system are short and "poor quality" and tend to double up like you pressed the button twice. We've tested multiple phones and ATAs and it doesn't seem to change. Internal tones seem to work just...
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    Sounds (VM Tutorial & VM Menu) not playing/cutting off

    Hello, I've recently noticed that the voicemail tutorial, if enabled, is not playing. There is silence during that time and from what I can tell in the logs is not erroring. The sound file(s) are there and play fine when downloaded manually. I'm not sure if it's related but on some endpoints...
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    Fusion 4.4.0 => 4.4.5

    Thanks! So far in testing it seems to have worked well. Do you know is Freeswitch max out at Version 1.6.20 for Debian 8, that didn't upgrade. I did run apt-update/upgrade as well and so far things are working just didn't see a freeswitch upgrade. Also Music on Hold will not play from the...
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    Fusion 4.4.0 => 4.4.5

    I need to do a 4.4.1 to current 4.4 branch. Can I just run through each of the check marks and test things out or do we need do do additional commands? The documentation ( implies that the check marks don't upgrade everything and lists...
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    CIDLookup Module not picking up config changes

    Not sure if you figured this out but I had a similar issue. The path listed (the one you used) in some documentation I think is outdated. My file was located at /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/cidlookup.conf.xml Took me a while to figure that out. Also if it helps or makes it more convenient...
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    Let's Encrypt Installation - Tutorial from Docs not working.

    Hello All, I have been trying for the last few days to follow this: I'm now on my 4th fresh install trying this and have spent hours troubleshooting. The install of cerbot works fine, the "location" section is...