Issue with Intercom Page after transfer to new server and upgrade from 4.5.x to latest. -- possible other issue.

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New Member
Jul 12, 2017
Hello, I've been trying to upgrade a server from version 4.5x (master) to the latest. I had previously tried to upgrade on the server itself which is currently running Debian x and it always seemed messy or qwerky after, trying to upgrade to latest So.

I've seen some suggestion on here to to just spin up a new vm, install fusion and then restore using the Backup & Restore scripts. Well this seems to have somewhat worked in my testing with a few qwerks and now one issue.

Most recently discovered that the *8[ext] is not auto answering on polycom phones, it will just ring the ext, and if answered works as a page, but if not answered and you hang up it seems to keep that call going and can only be ended from the ext that was called (or from the active calls page).

After working and messing around a bit I found the "Version Upgrade" page in docs which I previously knew about but nothing seems to mention that page..... anyway, I updated the dialplans as stated and still have that issue. It did seem to work on one other device I had here, non polycom, ANY ideas appreciated.


New Member
Jul 12, 2017
For others seeing this I for the most part figured out the issue.

There must me some sort of change in the new versions of freeswitch / fusion that changes how the AutoAnswer was set with Alert Info. I went back to the fusion default VVX profile on a couple phones and it worked. I discovered that:

Is now in the file. Previously I did not need this for autoanswer for intercom to work. Seems odd, but guessing it's to combat a difference in how Polycom handles autoanswer alert info.

I was also using voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.xxxxx in my template for another option, so I needed to make this 3.

So it's pretty much solved, for curiosity sake would love to know what changed.
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