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  1. M

    upgrade from 4.4.11 to master voicemail will not record greeting

    Hi - as above, now when I try to record a voicemail on option 5 the recording does not save - any pointers chaps?
  2. M

    Download new autoprovsioning scripts from github and installing into fusionpbx

    This is perfect info thanks very much! I am on 4.4.11 and I have a template for t54w but no directory - might I have fudged this? I have a faint memory of fudging the template but i can't remeber how - in the drop down template in the gui - where does that get populated from? i think I might...
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    t54w issue creating autoprovisioning file

    Hi, I downloaded and added the t54w files to /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/templates/provision/yealink/t54w from git and they check out ok, however I think I already had a template for t54wb and the file that gets created that the phone downloads doesn't seem to match the file I have installed...
  4. M

    Download new autoprovsioning scripts from github and installing into fusionpbx

    Hi all, I think I can download some new autoprovisioning files on git hub and install into fusionpbx - is therer a how to for this? All I really need is the locations on github and fusion, I think the location to install to is /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/templates/provision/ But does...
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    Looking up contacts numbers and displaying names

    ignore me - the script file hadnt been updated by me! Works perfectly now - many thanks!
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    Looking up contacts numbers and displaying names

    I get this on the output, it seems to be calling the script correctly - but i dont seem to be getting anything out of it the other end.....not even the NOTIC debug bits I put in - any Ideea what i might be doing wrong? Debug output below. EXECUTE [depth=0]...
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    Looking up contacts numbers and displaying names

    Struggling a bit with this, trying to get the cidlookup working. After trawling here and the net I'm still at a loss. I am running freeswitch 1.10 and ubuntu 9 and fusuionpbx 4.4.11. Have enabled the cidlookup in the dial plan and moved it up to position 099 for good measure but no results...
  8. M

    looking at changing freeswitch conf files directly any pointers?

    Just in case anyone else needs this it was super easy after learing lua, and checking the variables in the dial plan! The script works fine - the dial plan entry for the call center just needs one line added <action application="set"...
  9. M

    looking at changing freeswitch conf files directly any pointers?

    Hi, I'm looking at using freeswitch documentation to change the mod_callcenter to announce a position in the queue. There is an example of this at mod_callcenter - FreeSWITCH - Confluence I am looking in /etc/freeeswitch/autoload_configs I have created a call center q in fusionpbx but can't...
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    Freeswitch upgrade 1.6 to 1.10 and debian from 8 to 9 (stretch)

    Hi All, Had an interesting few hours. My upgrade went ok ish, usual dependency issues which I think all got solved. My sip profiles all started - left running overnight and in this morning and profiles will not start with an error connecting to the database - but fusionpbx gui seemed fine...
  11. M

    Routing Loop mitigation

    Hi , I have recently had a situation where a customer has a forward set from the system to a mobile, which works perfectly. They then set their mobile to forward to the office. This caused the system to fall over as the calls went round and round, the database got too many client requests at...
  12. M

    Call forward to external number when no registration exits then pull back to internal voicemail when no answer after 15 secs - possible?

    Hi All Again, The only issue with this is that when using the follow me - when I put in as the second line 1009 or *991009 even if I set the delay the voicemail kicks in after 2 rings - weird. Also the caller ID is not changed to the DDI number as needed. Any clues as to what I may have done...
  13. M

    Call forward to external number when no registration exits then pull back to internal voicemail when no answer after 15 secs - possible?

    Hi James, I hadn't used follow me before - that's exactly what I was after! Many thanks!
  14. M

    Call forward to external number when no registration exits then pull back to internal voicemail when no answer after 15 secs - possible?

    Hi all, I have a situation where a DDI comes into the system, goes to a phantom extension (setup but never registered) then forwards to a mobile. After 15 seconds I want the call to come back to the internal voicemail. I get the call to go to the mobile by setting the not regsitered call...
  15. M

    Override the original caller ID number not working in Call Routing

    Hi Daz, It does seem to work now! Did this get superseded? Does it now work? I am on 4.4 - thought that was the latest stable version?
  16. M

    Override the original caller ID number not working in Call Routing

    Hi Daz, I have installed the patch, I have an issue with this forward, as instead of generating an outgoing call, the incoming call gets sent to internal voicemail. When the incoming call starts on the internal system, however, the call goes straight to local voicemail. I have tried to do...
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    Fax help

    I also have this issue - could do with some docs on how to troubleshoot this - did you ever get it working?
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    Turn Off Active Call Recording

    Hi, Could I get that line in full so I can check my dialplan please? Also need to get this working for GDPR!
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    Concurrent Registration & Ring Group Problem

    I have the same issue....
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    Distinctive ring on destination that is just an extension

    I can't seem to get a call directed directly to an extension, rather than a ring group to have a distinctive ring. If I direct a call to a ring group - I can set the option for a distinctive ring, and that works perfectly, but when I set a destination as a single extension, I cant find anywhere...