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  1. Andrew Byrd

    TCP / UDP - That is the queston

    Yes on the rport 1200 on subscription expires See 2 attached images
  2. Andrew Byrd

    TCP / UDP - That is the queston

    Thank you Adrian. I just received a call from my client at the office that has 3 phones on TCP and he said that one of those phones were not registered. He said if he rebooted the phone it would register but after about an hour or less, it would lose registration again. I changed it back to...
  3. Andrew Byrd

    TCP / UDP - That is the queston

    I have seen the TCP / UDP debate often in most very voip related forum. I have been using UDP simply because TCP has created new issues I never had with UDP. Some say that TCP did not create these new issues, but the fact remains that when I was on UDP the issues did not surface. To be more...
  4. Andrew Byrd

    New Day new problem (Ring groups)

    Your points are very valid. Yes, if you have clients that are somewhat savy they can do that. Good points Daz. Thank you
  5. Andrew Byrd

    New Day new problem (Ring groups)

    Follow me is a work around. Multiple Registrations should work. I have found this to be unstable, so the follow me would work as well. I just don't like accepting what should work not working and using work arounds. Just my 2 cents from someone far less knowledgeable than most.
  6. Andrew Byrd

    How do I configure Music on Hold

    Did that work for you?
  7. Andrew Byrd

    SOLVED SPA 525G2 (Cisco) provisioning issue

    Ok, I finally got it to work. I added a C to the end of $MA and now it provisions. ?mac-$MAC
  8. Andrew Byrd

    New Day new problem (Ring groups)

    I ran into this same issue. The 2 things I did was 1) Same thing ad50u did. Set ring group strategy to Enterprise. 2) Ensure multiple registrations are set to "true" in the sip profile I have noticed that some versions of fusionpbx allow it to work and others do not. That is just my...
  9. Andrew Byrd

    SOLVED SPA 525G2 (Cisco) provisioning issue

    I figured something out today regarding this issue: Here is the provisioning URL that I use that is successful on the 508 and not on the 525 is: [--uid admin --pwd UrgbIjETuy]$MA When I replace the $MA at the end with the actual mac address it works...
  10. Andrew Byrd

    SOLVED SPA 525G2 (Cisco) provisioning issue

    I have made the necessary edits on the spa 525g2 template to get the disabled key function working and other minor issues. The one issue I can't seem to fix is this: On the 508 and the 504 I simply log in to the GUI on the spa, go to provisioning and insert the following URL [--uid admin...
  11. Andrew Byrd

    VESTACP - Any issues

    Thank you Bryan - I like control panels because it makes things easier for me as I am not that advanced Like adding jails to Fail2ban, viewing resources,etc... Is there any CP that you would recommend that would allow FPBX to be installed without any major conflicts? Like maybe webmin?
  12. Andrew Byrd

    VESTACP - Any issues

    I wanted to see if any one has uses Vesta CP in conjunction with fpbx on the same server. Would there be any conflicts?
  13. Andrew Byrd


    I discovered that follow me was NOT set to true so I set to true and enterprise. The only issue with this set up is if that extension turns on DND on their phone, it will still ring the follow me group. When DND is turned on the phone, I need nothing to ring - not the phone nor the follow me...
  14. Andrew Byrd

    Backup module restoration

    Thank you Bryan. I didn't see anything in there that resembled the back up option being restored but I may have missed it
  15. Andrew Byrd

    Backup module restoration

    Can someone tell me how to restore the "Backup" option that used to be in advanced settings? It was removed a release or two ago. I did use that and it simplified what I do.
  16. Andrew Byrd

    Transfer Calls between ATA Ext and Deskphone

    Did you get the HT802 to auto provision ok? I have tried to use provisioning and it never provisions. I logged into my ht802, inserted my provisioning URL Saved,rebooted Then went to Fusion, set up the ext, device mac etc... and clicked provision. Then I...
  17. Andrew Byrd

    Cisco SPA Template Mods & Notes

    I never did. This has been a project that has been on going. For some reason, I can get the 504 and the 508 to provision perfectly but I still have not mastered the 525
  18. Andrew Byrd

    BACK UP RESTORE Help needed please

    Adrian and ad50u Thank you very much for your insight, education and direction. You have been a great help. I do admit, my struggles are with basic shell commands. I will self remedy this by spending some time learning the basics Again - I do thank you
  19. Andrew Byrd

    BACK UP RESTORE Help needed please

    So what I found out is when I try to copy / paste the whole script (SSH) it does not execute each and every line I will run a line then stop, requiring manual entry of the next line. For example: If I want to run the following: rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 22' root@$ssh_server:/etc/freeswitch/ /etc...
  20. Andrew Byrd

    BACK UP RESTORE Help needed please

    ok, discovering a few things. I am going to work on this and post my results later