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  1. Andrew Byrd

    RTP ports

    The ports Fusionpbx uses for RTP is 16384-32768 When I use Fusionpbx to provision my Yealink T54W, I then login to the GUI, Go to Network - Advanced - and I see that the RTP ports are different (See attached image) Should those ports in the Yealink match 16384-32768?
  2. Andrew Byrd

    SOLVED No BLF lights + BLF that don't update

    I have always been under the idea that if it is not working on UDP and you switch to TCP and it works, then what was causing the issues under UDP. TCP may be masking issues that may surface later. Sometimes "fixing" an issue and it working is not as a long term solution as actually knowing...
  3. Andrew Byrd

    Who is calling me?

    Thank you Adrian. I will test your suggestion.
  4. Andrew Byrd

    Who is calling me?

    Thank you Architect - I did find a way to do this using distinctive ring tones. I got it to work where when ext to ext is dialed, it uses a different ring tone Here is the new issue: Ringtone 1 - set up for outside inbound calls - works great Ringtone 2 - set up for ext to ext (internal...
  5. Andrew Byrd

    Who is calling me?

    Scenario: Just deployed new phones at a mid size company. They want all phones to ring when a caller calls so that anyone can answer. However, the bookkeeper wants to know if it is a transferred call to her or if it is part of the ring group. How can she know if someone internally...
  6. Andrew Byrd

    Change Source port for each sip device in a network

    Adian - Merry Christmas to you. You are highly valued in my eyes! Have a great weekend!!
  7. Andrew Byrd

    Change Source port for each sip device in a network

    One more thing. Is there any advantage or disadvantage to using 5801 . . . . .vs 8001 . . . . . I didn't know if the range mattered
  8. Andrew Byrd

    Change Source port for each sip device in a network

    Adrian - You have been a great help ! Thank you for taking the time to explain this. I just implemented your suggestion on a device level and it worked like a charm. The natting issue went away as soon as I assigned listen ports. I used 5801, 5802, 5803 etc.... Thanks again!
  9. Andrew Byrd

    Change Source port for each sip device in a network

    Is there a way to remotely change the source port for each sip device? I have 9 phones on a network 50 miles from my office. I want to change the source port for phone 1 to 5061, phone 2 to 5062, phone 3 to 5063 and so on. Can you tell me where to do this? THe reasonin behind this is because...
  10. Andrew Byrd

    VAR directory only has 50GB available on 1000GB disk

    My VAR directory has all my call recordings. Frequently, it gets too large and I have to delete some call recordings to get it back in check. How do I increase the allotment as I have a 1 TB disk? Currently it is restricted to 50GB of space. Was this set up by default on install?
  11. Andrew Byrd

    +OK on Caller ID in Call Detail Records

    Caller ID is working fine. It passes through to the sip device and displays correctly. But, in the call detail records it shows +OK Does anyone know why this shows +OK instead of the caller ID name in the call detail records? See attached image
  12. Andrew Byrd

    Wrong Time Stamp on Voicemails

    I believe this still to be an issue. My Call detail records display Eastern time ok, the time displayed on the server says Eastern but still shows UTC So when callers call in to check their voice mail the voice mail is reading UTC time, not Eastern time. Fusionpbx version 4.5.26 Current...
  13. Andrew Byrd

    OUTBOUND CALLS - No ring tone - silence until party answers

    WHen I call out the usual ring tone has gone away. It is just silence until the called party answers. Any ideas on how to get the ring tone back?
  14. Andrew Byrd

    Transfer then retrieve

    If I transfer a call to ring group, and no one on that ring group picks up, I can then press that ring groups blf key on my SPA 500 series phones and pick the call back up On Yealink, it won't allow me to do that. If I press the ring groups BLF key on the yealink T29G, it hangs up the call...
  15. Andrew Byrd

    ISP DNS or Googles??

    I have one client that has the google dns servers set in his router and This makes all his voip phones use the googles servers for DNS of course. I have another client that that uses his ISP's dns at router level. Therefore his voip phones show his gateway as his dns...
  16. Andrew Byrd

    SPA 508G with 500DS expansion module Provisioning issue

    I am trying to provision the expansion module connected to my spa 508g with Fusionpbx. The expansion module is a 500DS digital version as opposed to the older model that you hand write the blf entries on paper beside each key. The digital is nice as it looks more professional. The only issue...
  17. Andrew Byrd


    Go to DIAL PLAN > DIAL PLAN MANAGER> Scroll down to PAGE By default this will be false. Change to True Click on PAGE and add your extensions to the DESTINATIONS Delete the PIN and leave blank if you don't want to have to enter a pin every time you page Set mute = false or else it will be a...
  18. Andrew Byrd

    EAVESDROP not functioning

    In the dial plan
  19. Andrew Byrd

    xml_cdr calls delete

    Thank you Adrian. Can you direct me where I would go to correct this?
  20. Andrew Byrd

    xml_cdr calls delete

    I tried to check xml_cdr_delete for the group "user" and it allows me to check it but when I hit save it reverts back to unchecked. Any ideas?