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  1. PBXMePlz

    Does FusionPBX have built-in retention limit options for call recordings?

    Subject says most of it, if I need to I can probably shell script my way to victory here but wanted to stay within the confines of FusionPBX if I could help it. EDIT: Although to clarify what I mean by retention limits, I'm specifically thinking retain recordings for X days and then delete...
  2. PBXMePlz

    Registering Remote Softphones

    Fair enough, pretty sure it's my firewall then, since internal registration works with Zoiper.
  3. PBXMePlz

    Registering Remote Softphones

    Hey everyone! I hate to jump right in to a question, but I think I just need pointed into the right direction on this one. I'm struggling to get Zoiper registered remotely, I think part of this is because I'm struggling to locate documentation on how to register remote devices. I thought it...