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  1. Andrew Pickett

    Cisco 8945

    Hmm obviously not available by default but i can see Asterisk has an XML for this unit. (Written by someone else) Its a long shot but maybe someone in the community could direct you on using this config file.
  2. Andrew Pickett

    Fusion Newbie - Initial Thoughts/Questions

    Hmm not sure why its failing from copy and paste from the site. Even if i manually alter this forum keeps dropping after the a array please use screenshot to see where to add it in. fail2ban-client status | grep "Jail list:" | sed "s/ //g" | awk '{split($2,a,",");for(i in a)...
  3. Andrew Pickett

    Fusion Newbie - Initial Thoughts/Questions

    This is a great command to run from prompt to show you the jails fail2ban-client status | grep "Jail list:" | sed "s/ //g" | awk '{split($2,a,",");for(i in a) system("fail2ban-client status " a)}' | grep "Status\|IP list" See if they are in one!
  4. Andrew Pickett

    [Tutorial] Creating a two node FusionPBX cluster the easy way.

    Hi Mark I run a relatively small business with business partners. Investment in the engine is absolutely on the cards and Ive been exploring the potential of reselling fusion and therefore would easily expect it to become a more corporate relationship with yourself. Weve had a rough time with a...
  5. Andrew Pickett

    [Tutorial] Creating a two node FusionPBX cluster the easy way.

    Hi All Just thought i would share recent experince of trying to build a cluster using this script. Intention was to use the notes here ie install 4.2 via the script and upgrade etc. Whilst atempting to change the Version in the script "resources/" in part of the code "BRANCH" i...
  6. Andrew Pickett

    [Tutorial] Csync2 for Filesystem Replication

    Yes tried twice as described in tutorial and can ping from each machine with no issue
  7. Andrew Pickett

    [Tutorial] Csync2 for Filesystem Replication

    Hi - Ive run this tutorial before and had it working. Ive just set this up again but on running the first sync i get the follwing errors: - ERROR from peer node2.local: Identification failed! While syncing file /var/lib/freeswitch/recordings: ERROR from peer node2.local: Identification failed...
  8. Andrew Pickett

    Multiple FreeSWITCH Servers

    Yes - Just like to put it out there i have a pair spread accross AWS and Digital Ocean. They cost nothing to run and hold 175 domains with 10 - 20 users in each. AWS is the prime server. Its been running now for 2 years without a single outage in the AWS Dubin region. The secondary has been...
  9. Andrew Pickett

    Domain Statistics - Minute Usage, Cost Calculation, Adjustable Date Range

    I know its not a billing engine but how much work do you think it would take to apply a basic rate card tool. Im not even on about a full billing solution but it would be very useful to see in CDR's a call amount and then in your Domain App a total cost per domain based on this instead of your...
  10. Andrew Pickett

    Domain Statistics - Minute Usage, Cost Calculation, Adjustable Date Range

    This works great in 4.4.1 :) Thankyou
  11. Andrew Pickett

    Click to call

    Sorry EasyBB i mean when the call gets triggered and the person answers the softphone a seperate browser window pops logged into fusionpbx showing the click to call result. We dont want the client to see this popping. @ Char1 we have created a seperate click to call user for this. How will...
  12. Andrew Pickett

    Click to call

    The above is working for us and we have built this into our custom crm. Does anyone know how to stop the actaul fusion URL from appearing?
  13. Andrew Pickett

    Click to call

  14. Andrew Pickett

    Click to call

    Tested the Chrome App today - Works great on 10 digit numbers but doesent convert 11 digit numbers.
  15. Andrew Pickett

    Override the original caller ID number not working in Call Routing

    Hi I recently had the same issue. I use my Sip providor to help me. So i forward the call to a number on another trunk where i have the option to always show the dialled number. My sip providor only charges for calls so its not to expensive to do this. Not ideal in terms of legs but this is...
  16. Andrew Pickett

    Calls not being recorded

    which version of Fusion are you running? I had this issue after upgrading to 4.4 from 4.2. I had someone fix it at the time but also know the 4.4.1 update also fixes this bug
  17. Andrew Pickett

    Fusion 4.4 => 4.4.1 upgrade

    I had not! - I have now and worked. Thankyou sir
  18. Andrew Pickett

    Fusion 4.4 => 4.4.1 upgrade

    Hi All im having issues upgrading my fusion box from 4.4 to 4.4.1 This upgrade patches a few bugs but cant get it to take. I get this error Even if i paste in a default version of template.php and save it still brings this error. My changes were just a code snippet for a chat widget. Any...
  19. Andrew Pickett

    Import Extensions/Devices from CSV file

    Works fantastic! Thankyou!