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  1. Adrian Fretwell

    How do I create an external call centre agent?

    I've never tired it but I'm pretty sure you can specify something external in the Agent contact field, but I guess the problem will be managing the agent status (logged in/out etc).
  2. Adrian Fretwell

    fail2ban won't start on Debian 12

    Quite a lot has changed in Debian12. We have just uplifted the install script for DjangoPBX and we have seen a lot of breaking changes. In Debian11 sshd logged to /var/log/auth.log. In Debian12, as you rightly say, the traditional syslog system has been replaced with systemd-journald. This...
  3. Adrian Fretwell

    A GUI wrap around FreeSWITCH

    Owing to the imminent UK transition from analogue to digital landlines, I thought I would share with you a project I have been working on to use in my own business. It is a GUI wrap around FreeSWITCH written in Python using the Django Web Framework ( I decided...
  4. Adrian Fretwell

    Please help me understand how to implement an XML file

    Ok, here goes... Most outbound routes tend to have a dialplan order of ~100, so what ever you create must have a lower number in order for it to have an effect on your outbound route. Probably the easiest way of creating a new dialplan record in Fusion is to simple copy an existing one. So...
  5. Adrian Fretwell

    Fusionbpbx Log Files

    In Linux, if you delete a file, it will continue to exist until no processes are accessing it (have it open). Freeswitch can rotate your logfiles and you can set parameters such as size:
  6. Adrian Fretwell

    Outgoing call issue

    Whatever RTP ports Sipgate use should not have a bearing in the RTP ports that you use, the ports are negotiated together with the codec in the SDP body. Also if you do want to change the port range to other than default, /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml will need editing as...
  7. Adrian Fretwell

    Outgoing call issue

    You need to use a different port per SIP profile or you can use the same port but on a different IP address. Generally people protect 5080 (the gateways port) differently in the firewall and/or ACL so you may need to look at that. Using 5060 for your gateways is no problem the port is really...
  8. Adrian Fretwell

    Accept direct extension calls

    Allowing "anyone" means opening up your firewall port 5080 to the world! So think carefully before doing it. You may need to update your ACLs too. I'm not sure how the ACLs are set up in the newer versions of FusionPBX. But if your firewall and ACL is configured to allow it, you should be...
  9. Adrian Fretwell

    Outgoing call issue

    This kind of thing is difficult to diagnose without a packet capture. It is possible that on some attempts at the call you may be exceeding the MTU which will result in packet fragmentation. I notice your Nottingham STD code, look me up I'm Nottingham side of Newark. PM me for my email...
  10. Adrian Fretwell

    TLS & Encryption

    Just a wild guess, but could the Snon be missing the root and/or intermediate certificate that signed your company wide wildcard certificate?
  11. Adrian Fretwell

    Generic phone provisioning URL

    You don't have to use a tenant specific URL, the domain_uuid is obtained from the device record for the relevant MAC. In my opinion, it is always good practice to use a tenant specific URL, we always do. There are a few devices that don't reveal their MAC in a nice way so being able to get the...
  12. Adrian Fretwell

    Recording Lenny

    You can use any of the following depending on your requirements: mod_dptools record mod_dptools record_session...
  13. Adrian Fretwell

    Reload Freeswitch without dropping connections

    PS: forgot to say fs_cli -x "reloadxml" will not mess up the pre-process variables from the other XML files.
  14. Adrian Fretwell

    Reload Freeswitch without dropping connections

    I believe it would be fs_ctl -x "reload mod_logfile" reload mod_logfile' calls switch_xml_reload itself, so there is no need to also call reloadxml.
  15. Adrian Fretwell

    Reload Freeswitch without dropping connections

    At the command line: fs_cli -x "reload <mod_name>" Beware some modules will not reload. It may be worth trying a "reloadxml" first.
  16. Adrian Fretwell

    FusionPBX Anatomy

    Yes, you have it pretty much correct. The lua scripts that you will see in /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/ following a FusionPBX install are part of the FusionPBX distribution not Freeswitch. To understand how the xml is generated you will need to study the files in...
  17. Adrian Fretwell

    Join ring group by dialing a number and exit by dialing another number

    I remember this facility was a feature on the old Samsung PBXs. I have not played with ring groups on Fusion for quite some time so I don't have an answer for you, but it may be worth looking at /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/app/ring_groups/resources/scripts/ring_member.lua This lua script...
  18. Adrian Fretwell

    FusionPBX Anatomy

    If you break this down into its fundamental component parts it is really quite simple. So here follows a VERY BRIEF explanation. Correctly configured, FreeSwitch will will work perfectly well on it's own without FusionPBX, however FusionPBX adds extra features and the ability to configure...
  19. Adrian Fretwell

    Globally require unique emails

    The simplest thing may be to put a unique constraint on the DB table column.
  20. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED There is a way to trigger an external url from Freeswitch?

    I'm not near any of my test boxes right now so I can't test this, but you may need to break your conditions in to a couple of groups, something like this: <extension name="Test" continue="false" uuid="afb83470-e31a-4e17-8aea-3ee92d5e4239"> <condition field="destination_number"...