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  1. Adrian Fretwell

    SIP PBX integration

    <action application="bridge" data="sofia/internal/101@"/>
  2. Adrian Fretwell

    How big is big

    I run a job every night to convert wav to mp3, that in itself saves a lot of space. I delete recordings and voicmails over 30 days old, I do have domain exceptions for customers who need them for longer. Any customers that want us to keep recordings for more than a year, we ship them off to a...
  3. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED nginx not starting..

    You are showing the section for the http server on port 80 what about the https section for port 443 (listen 443)? You can find a reference file of what the basic fusionpbx nginx site file here:
  4. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED nginx not starting..

    I think your nginx installation is still trying to use (parts of) dehydrated. I'm not sure what you did in the first place to enable this, so it is difficult for me to tell you how to remove it. Having said that, your screenshot does show nginx failing to open...
  5. Adrian Fretwell

    Encrypted DB connection

    Have a look at /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/pdo.php You probably need to set: $db_secure and $db_certauthority SSLCert and SSLKey would be configured in PostgreSql server.
  6. Adrian Fretwell

    API for enable/disable extension and domain

    We cobbled together a very quick and dirty API years ago: I wouldn't recommend using it in production but it may be a good learning resource. As mentioned above, DjangoPBX has an API.
  7. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED nginx not starting..

    They are the lines you would have in the nginx site configuration file: /etc/nginx/sites-available/fusionpbx server { listen 443; server_name fusionpbx; ssl on; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem; ssl_certificate_key...
  8. Adrian Fretwell

    WAN Drops, Keepalive

    Hi Chris, I understand your view. I have not played with Asterisk for over twenty years, so I struggle to remember what ti was like. I did like the IAX phone protocol, it just seemed to work and did not get broken by NAT in the same way that SIP does. But the whole world went SIP shaped and...
  9. Adrian Fretwell

    WAN Drops, Keepalive

    I have never used the ping option on the extension record, but I always use the KeepAlive(OPTIONS) on the phone. The OPTIONS/NOTIFY ping is only ~500 bytes in each direction every 30 seconds, it's not a big deal.
  10. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED nginx not starting..

    Yes, by default, nginx has a certificate key pair called snakeoil which are merely self signed certificates, nothing wrong with using them. #ssl on; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem; ssl_certificate_key...
  11. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED nginx not starting..

    Unless Letsencrypt can access your DNS records via a public DNS server like, dns-01 validation is not going to work. I use the term zone file because the most popular dns server on the internet is called bind, and bind stores it's configuration in zone files that are located in...
  12. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED nginx not starting..

    In order for the dns-01 to work, letsencrypt gives you a text based token that you must add to the zone file on your dns server. Letsencrypt then makes a request to lookup the dns record for the domain you are trying to obtain the certificate for. If it see the token you have put there, then it...
  13. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED nginx not starting..

    Many Linux systems use /etc/resolv.conf to determine which DNS server to use.
  14. Adrian Fretwell

    ${user_exists} condition not listed in dialplan

    It is not feasible to list every possible channel variable, for two good reasons: 1. There are an awful lot of them 2. You may have created some of your own within your dialplan.
  15. Adrian Fretwell

    New provider, no recordings

    We use mod_bcg729 with no issues. currently using the build from here:
  16. Adrian Fretwell

    Bad Request 400

    For the benefit of anyone reading this thread, nftables had not been installed. apt-get install nftables fixed the problem. Although nftables is supposed to be the default firewall on Debian12, we have found it missing one some cloud and VPS builds. The install script has now been modified to...
  17. Adrian Fretwell

    Bad Request 400

    Logging in as the django-pbx user try issuing a /usr/local/bin/ This should return some json showing the IPs in the list
  18. Adrian Fretwell

    Bad Request 400

    NFT looks fine what about the output of the shell command?
  19. Adrian Fretwell

    strip and add digit before outbound call

    This regex will work for you: ^(?:\+?62|0)(\d+)$ This will strip +62 or 62 or 0 returning the rest of the number in $1 All you need to do is add the 0 in front of your $1 in the bridge statement. This is how the regex works: ^ anchors the beginning of the line. (?: starts a non-capturing group...
  20. Adrian Fretwell

    Bad Request 400

    I assume there is more that what you have shown. Logging in as the django-pbx user try issuing a /usr/local/bin/ This should return some json showing the IPs in the list