Recent content by gflow

  1. G

    IRC or Telegram Chat Group

    Oh I actually meant to make a group not a channel. I have deleted the channel and made a group, please join it. @Adrian Fretwell I don't think you need to install the app on your phone but you will need a mobile number to sign up
  2. G

    IRC or Telegram Chat Group

    Group created
  3. G

    IRC or Telegram Chat Group

    Would you consider creating an official Telegram DjangoPBX chat group, I think it'll gain more traction than an IRC channel. There's quite active FusionPBX, Asterisk, VitalPBX communities on Telegram and I'm sure over time the project will gain more traction with an official DjangoPBX channel.
  4. G

    DjangoPBX end of year update

    Wow fantastic documentation and project. I'll have to start testing this out.
  5. G

    Call Centre Issues

    There is an option. Do not use DND for this, you must enable the feature and agents but log-off / log-on tier-rule-no-agent-no-wait Can be True or False. If True, callers will skip tiers that don't have agents available. Otherwise, they are be required to wait before advancing. Agents must be...
  6. G

    FusionPBX 5.2 Messages Application Inbound messages

    Man that GUI is ugly.
  7. G

    what is to use pin number accoundcode ?

    I believe it's for billing. For example you may want to set a PIN code in your outbound routes for international destinations and then associate that PIN code to an account code for billing purposes.
  8. G

    Anybody using this in production

    Thanks for the reply @Adrian Fretwell it seems like this project really has some direction and of course using a solid framework like Django will help this this project make some faster progress. If you havent used the Asterisk based project MirtaPBX send me a PM and i'll give you access to a...
  9. G

    Anybody using this in production

    As the title says is anybody using this in production?
  10. G

    Softphone recommendation

    I have integrated Acrobits Cloud Softphone into FusionPBX device provisioning. So you configure an Acrobits softphone the same way you would with a physical phone (including speed dials, BLF etc.) You can also enter the users email address and send them out a QR code for softphone provisioning...
  11. G

    Fusion PBX Call Center Function

    @Rishaard are you talking to yourself?
  12. G

    Fusion PBX Call Center Function

    Let's say you use the FusionPBX Top-Down queue strategy for queue A (Sales) you could have those agents with the most skills in sales in a higher tier and those with lower skills in lower tiers. You do the same for all of your queues. When an agent "John" logs in he may be ranked 30 in Queue A...
  13. G

    Change default MOH for single tenant

    Confirmed the change suggested in your linked worked.
  14. G

    Change default MOH for single tenant

    great, will give that a test and post the results back here.
  15. G

    Change default MOH for single tenant

    Hey, Can anybody advise how I could change the default music on hold for a single tenant?