Yealink Auto Provision

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STTS Steve

New Member
Apr 25, 2018
I have been beating my head against the wall. I have spent countless hours scouring the Internet looking for answers and can't seem to get anywhere.
Everyone makes auto-provisioning seems so simple. The few threads I've seen with trouble either go unresolved forever or the ones that are "Solved" really have no definite answer as to what solved it.
Some answers point to files and settings that, (as near as I can tell) don't apply to this version.
I have a brand new installation on Fusionpbx. It is 4.4 running on Debian Jessie using the install script from
I have run updates, so it should have the latest build.
I can manually configure a phone, no problem. I can program the buttons via the web interface on the phone, no problem.
I cannot get it to auto-provision.
I have enabled provision in the settings.
I have created the phone in the Devices tab.
I have tried every path (http/https) I can find on the web to put in the phone.
Only Accept Trusted Certificates is disabled on the phone.
I have tried with and without passwords in the http sections on Fusonpbx.
I have tried with and without passwords on the phone.
I have factory defaulted the phone.
It really shouldn't be this hard to create a template for a phone, assign the phone and have the phone get this config from the server.
This is a brand new T41S phone, so I should think it ought to work.

When we decided to get into this, I never knew the documentation was so bad that you could not find answers to the most simple task.

I hope someone out there can give me a step by step of all the things I should be looking for to get this working.


Apr 7, 2018
Ok , so i feel your pain with this, it does work however there are a few things you need to do first.
First off unless you have access to Yealink RPS server (which you can get if your a dealer) you can not just plug the phone in and expect it to pull a profile. If this is the case you must log into the handset and set the provisioning address manually.
The address will be https://yourserverip/app/provision/"phonesmac".cfg

Now this is great but if you are using a multi tenant setup and you dont create the device while logged into the server on the correct domain then the server doesnt create a template, so i found that setting "http_domain_filter" to false in your default settings is best. You must enable provisioning in here as well and you MUST set a username and password unless you want to be hacked.

Now if you create an extension and allocate the device mac against it when you go into the device page and click the download link at the top it should ask you for the username and pass then download the config file. If you get this far you should be able to manually put the server address as above on the yealink auto provision page and it will config.

I hope that made sense :) i also had quite a bit of issues but once its done its reliable.

Also as a side note in the devices provisioning file you can also force it to update its firmware from a web server you own, and even auto provision the wallpaper if you wanna brand your phones, although that's a whole other post .. Oh and after doing all the above reboot server or reread xml whatever you wish..

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STTS Steve

New Member
Apr 25, 2018
Well, I'm making some progress.
Using some help from Incubugs. (Thank you) I was able to get a phone to auto-provision on the LAN using the local IP.
I have not been able to get the phone to provision using the FQDN or external IP. I thought I was logged into the domain when I created the phone.
Guess I'll have to try to re-create it.
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STTS Steve

New Member
Apr 25, 2018
Looks like it is all working. I believe I may have had an internal netwrok issue stopping the provisioning from working on the internal network with domain resolution. Once I moved the phones outside the LAN of the server it worked.


New Member
May 9, 2018
I'm having an issue with provisioning and yealink as well. I'm using the provisioning url and the lines all provision just fine but none of the buttons provision. I have tried using profiles as well as just setting the keys on the device setup as well, neither work. Brand new setup, no extensions except this phone, I have other installations working, but not on the 4.4 branch, they are 4.2. Just curious is anyone else has had these problems and if so where the heck do you fix it.

Thank you so much.


New Member
May 9, 2018
So I made a little progress, the phone is a t19e2, the t19 profile does not work, but if i switch it to using the t21p profile, the buttons provision, so I think it is just a problem with the built in t19 profile. I will check and see what it might be missing and post the changes here.

Kenny Riley

Active Member
Nov 1, 2017
Honestly it is pretty easy once you get it working. Sure it requires some research to get it working the first time, but FusionPBX isn't documented very well (it's getting better..) and you should know that before you decide to deploy this product into production.

1.) Enable Provisioning under default settings
2.) Configure HTTPS authentication under default settings. Use a secure password. Forget this step and you will get hacked.
3.) Assign your MAC address and vendor to your extension.
4.) Test to ensure the provisioning file is available by typing this into a browser:
If you can hit your provisioning file from a browser, you're in good shape.
5.) Manually login to your phone and disable "Only accept trusted certificates" under the security settings. Goto the auto provisioning settings and point the server URL to and enter in your HTTPS username and password or configure DHCP option 66 on the network to hit the provisioning server.
6.) Reboot and enjoy.


New Member
May 9, 2018
Thanks for the reply, it all ended up being an issue with the t19p profile. In previous installations I have done, I had to create a profile for that model since one was not present, but with 4.4 one existed, just didn't work. I just replaced the profile and all is well.


Mar 9, 2018
Just for the record if anyone else ends up looking here, the solution in my case (Yealink T48G) was to change the HTTP Auth password to something less complex. Seems like the Yealink couldn't deal with one or more of the special characters I had in my original one.


New Member
May 9, 2018
Just for the record if anyone else ends up looking here, the solution in my case (Yealink T48G) was to change the HTTP Auth password to something less complex. Seems like the Yealink couldn't deal with one or more of the special characters I had in my original one.

Thats an interesting issue. Wouldn't be the first time i have seen interesting password policies from vendors. Craziest one I have ran into is in the Dell X series switches, no special characters allowed at all........#facepalm
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