Sorry, i got the issue the same with everyone, and try do add skip_instructions=true but didn't work ! Inbound calls still have the voicemail message before that. So, please intrust me . Thanks a lot
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I would put it somewhere else... For the entire tenant you can put it in
Dialpan >
Dialplan Manager under the
domain-variables dialplan.. You can also create your own dialplan and match it to a specific extension, voicemail box, IVR, ring group, etc.. or as others have mentioned put it closer to the point that it gets transferred to voicemail (in case you have it enabled somewhere else).
You can also put your code in
Dialplan >
Inbound Routes and do it for a specific destination number.
Or you can enable it for the whole server by going to
Advanced >
Variables and creating a new entry under
Defaults. So press the
Add button
Category =
Defaults and
Name is
skip_instructions and/or
skip_greeting and the
Value is
true and
Command is
set and finally press
I'm not sure if they'll update right away but if not then either apply the global variable manually through
fs_cli or just restart FreeSwitch by typing
fs_cli -x fsctl shutdown now restart into terminal and wait a couple minutes.
Also, skip_instructions is not the entire message you hear before leaving a voicemail. If you don't want anything to play at all you would need to set both skip_greeting and skip_instructions to true.
skip_greeting => The person at extension ?? is not available.
skip_instructions => Record your message at the tone. Press any key or stop talking to end the recording.