@MTR I agree completely with yours and
@Adrian Fretwell comments.
The problem is, we HAD that community. I have been involved with this project now for ten years. Up until about 2017 from about 2012, I do not think there was a single day when I did not post in the IRC channel and that included xmas day. It was a vibrant place and many problems were discussed/solved.
We always had a problem where much of the documentation was kept from public view, back in the day, the revenue from training was what kept the project running. Then came continuing education. Supposedly, even with continuing educations most basic package, you got access to the previous training sessions. I do not think there has been ONE training session since continuing education started. It appears to be nothing more than effectively a video changelog/bugfixes.
More importantly, none of this we can share on places like these forums, that is for paying members only. There is, from what I can see, zero community input on the new features added.
There is no release schedule at all, the last stable release was years ago, ask when there will be the next one, you will just be told to use master.
There are not many fusionpbx old timers who use master. Most of them have either moved to a new product of just maintain their own forks.
This is not a pop at FusionPBX, I love FusionPBX and know that Mark is a great guy.
I'm just at the position personally where I think it may now be time to move on. Due to the nature of the work I do I have recently been introduced to another commercial product too and I'm now seeing just how far behind fusionpbx is from those products. We are probably talking in the order of years too in development.
Two features that I see for a PBX in 2021 as near enough a must are Teams integration and CRM.
I guess if you asked FusionPBX users why they are currently losing customers they would be the two main reasons.
If VItalPBX lives up to the spec, then despite it being non-open source, it may well meet my needs. Underneath the hood we have asterisk, my understanding is pjsip is much better than chan_sip too. There should be room to make modifications I would imagine.
Anyway, lets spin up a cluster and we will see