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Feb 3, 2021
I have valet_park_auto enabled in the dial plan but unable to get it to work. I'm looking for when a 2nd incoming calls comes in, it will auto park.

I'm using a grandstream and this is my setting.

Grandstream settings:


PBX dial plan:



Apr 29, 2020

Valet park works perfectly fine on Grandstream Phones. I have GXP and GRP phones using it as well as GHP as Speed Dial. It works as BLF on the Phones.
As for dialplan to make second call, depends are you using Ring Group or goes directly to one phone?
You can set on Call Forwarding Busy as *590x, but this is not advisable. If a third call comes in it will join with the second. Parking is not to be used as second call routing.
Use Call Centre for that purpose and set BLF callcenter+[ext] to notify the person on the phone there is a call waiting. Set the Agent as Logged In to keep it logged in. It will act for the purpose you need and you can also see missed calls, which you will never see if pushed to valet park.


Feb 3, 2021
Thanks for the advice.

Yes its on a ring group, had the same idea about setting call forward on busy.

My guess on issues likely to happen:

You won't know if someone called won't ring it would just go right to park...

Not to sure about the 3rd called, shouldn't it go to another parking lot if the system knows lot 2 is full?

My understanding of "auto park" is it knows which lot to place the call in (+5900)


Valet park is when you physically select a BLF key (*+5901) and so on.

My issue is we have clients which are medical offices, and many calls come in at once.

I like the idea of the call center idea, I'm just worried about the logging part, meaning what if they reboot the phone won't that log them out? Most of the front desk staff are not the brightest when it comes to technology lol. Only complain :(


Apr 29, 2020

Even if you use auto park, your MPK should match order of Monitored Call Park - park+*5901, park+*5902 and so on. It is better if you just let them answer the call from RG and place them on park.
I have several dozens of medical offices and pizza places, that is what they all do. They just say: "Please hold" and place them there and return to original call.
That is how they were used to on Nortel side. To them it is "placing on hold" and they do not understand what is "park call" or the Device "Hold". I have the MPK label on many set as "Line 1", "Line 2" and so on because that is how they were used to. Asking where is my Line 6! Why my Line 2 isn't ringing, and so on.

Agent login is done on FusionPBX side. You create an Agent and you can set what status it will automatically have. In your case Logged In.
They technically do not need to even know they are agents. Rebooting the Phone won't change the status of an Agent. It doesn't dictate what is happening on the Server side, it just is an intermediator. Restarting Call Centre, Services or rebooting the server will.
The Call Centre monitoring callcenter+[queue_ext] will change status when a call is waiting, but they will not be able to pick it up until original call is released.

Some places prefer to get a second call, some do not. You adjust on however they feel is better for them.
Most come from Nortel/Norstar environment and they wouldn't even know what we are telling them.

I also avoid using Line Mode and use Account Mode (Settings - Programmable Keys - Key Mode: Account Mode P8369=2) on the Phones. Gives more space for MPK's. If you use GXP2140 and have it as Line Mode and need to put two park calls and a page, Line mode can cause issues. I hope you are using GDMS for Grandstream, even if you provision via FusionPBX as it serves as RPS manager and advanced troubleshooting tool rather than GAPS or Device Logs. It is also better to upgrade from there than FTP or HTTP/HTTPS server side.

There is also a status notify if you use DP Series and some schmuck places the HS in DnD and complains about no calls coming in. It might not even notify server of DnD status unless config files are properly done. Mine are heavily modified.

Ok, I'm done with a Novel here. Enjoy :)
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