Speed Dials Only Route

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Aug 9, 2023
Hi All,

I've been battling on how to setup a Speed Dial only outbound route.
I've got an extension that must be allowed to only phone Speed dials, setup under contacts, and other extension.
I changed the default *0[ext] function to 813[ext] to accommodate speed dial function from the previous pbx.
If I just create a normal 10digit outbound route, the speed dials works 100%

What I think must happen is to setup 2x outbound routes and set allow toll, lets say, "National"(10digit) and "Speed_dial_only", and the set toll on extensions to use either route.
I can get this working for National, but im not to sure on the regex for speed dial.

Not sure if im approaching this the right way.

Don't know if anyone else had a similar situation?


Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
We had to do something similar for a customer several years ago. They wanted some extensions to only be able to dial local numbers and others to be able to dial local and national, and a select few allowed local, national and international. Some extensions were not permitted to dial outside at all apart from emergencies. However, extensions that were allowed any sort of outbound were allowed to dial any Speed Dial number.

Sounds complicated but it is quite straight forward.

So for extensions that could dial out we set a toll_allow, DO1, DO2 and DO3 for the three dial out options. This meant that apart from the emergency call outbound route, ALL outbound routes required a toll_allow to be set.

All numbers in the speed dial list were prefixed with 8, so the speed dial outbound route looks like this (only showing the relevant part):

Screenshot from 2024-03-14 12-29-59.png

I then modified the speed dial dialplan to look like this:

Screenshot from 2024-03-14 12-33-37.png
So this allows any extension that has any one of the DO number toll_allow settings to dial a speed dial number. It then sets the toll_allow to "SpeedDial" so it hits the speed dial outbound route.

I hope that makes sense.


Aug 9, 2023
Hi Adrian,

Thank you for the solution provided, it works like a charm.
I've got a clearer picture now on how the dialplan & toll_allow operates.

Thank you!
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