Hi all,
I made some progress here:
I found out that the languages section in
/etc/freeswitch/freeswitch.xml was missing a reference to Spanish. So I added it:
<!-- languages section -->
<section name="languages" description="Language Management">
<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="languages/es/*.xml"/>
Now, I am not getting the original "
Can't find language es" error. However, my system is looking for the digits in a very interesting location:
Error Opening File [/usr/share/freeswitch/sounds/es/cl/callie/digits/4.wav] [System error : No such file or directory.]
Note that in the error the path includes '
.../es/cl/callie/digits...' I have no clue where that
cl is coming from. I understand that is probably the dialect but I've no idea where I could have defined a cl dialect for Spanish or where can it be defined.
The error itself is fair because that path is not valid. However, I am trying to figure out where the system gets that path from. By default the
sound_prefix variable is defined as:
I modified
sound_prefix to reflect the actual location of the audio files:
But it does not seem to do much. I restarted freeswitch just in case.
I even tried forcing the path inside the LUA script:
-- Read back input number to the caller
session:execute('set', 'sound_prefix=$${sounds_dir}/es/ar/mario');
session:execute('say', 'es number iterated '..caller_input)
But it also does not make any difference. I still get the same error with the system looking for the digits in the same odd location.
/usr/share/freeswitch/lang/es/es.xml looks like this:
<language name="es" say-module="es" sound-path="$${sounds_dir}/es/ar/mario" tts-engine="cepstral" tts-voice="marta">
<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="demo/*-es.xml"/> <!-- Note: this now grabs whole subdir, previously grabbed only demo.xml -->
<!--voicemail_es_MX_tts is purely implemented with tts, we have the files based one that is the default. -->
<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="vm/sounds-es.xml"/> <!-- vm/tts.xml if you want to use tts and have cepstral -->
<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="dir/sounds-es.xml"/> <!-- dir/tts.xml if you want to use tts and have cepstral -->
I appreciate any hint on what else I would need to look into.