If I copy the string with user api key on web brower where I not log in on the fusionpbx I see the login page of fusionpbx with message invalid login or password
Error log are empity, access log contain:To be honest, I don't much care on it, but if it matters to someone - will do!
@Marc how do I get the remote phone book onto my yealink phone?The included phone book uses FusionPBX contacts. Multiple things will be using contacts including new Messages application. Sending a FAX already uses it and more things are coming. So eventually you might start thinking that alternative phone books make it so you have to maintain more places for the same information.
hello to all, would it be possible to activate the import for version 4.4 because I have 4000 contacts to import for a client? How can I do?
Thank you
Already have that but issue is when I click generate i dont get anything in the box to copyHi!
To get API visible in User section you need to have this empty file