I have an issue with generating provisioning files for all phones.
I have such SIP schematic: Kamailio (round-robin) -> FusionPBX cluster.
And Web schematic: NGINX Balancer -> FusionPBX cluster
So, to reach FusionPBX web-page I have to use the address: nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com, and NGINX forward me to one of the FusionPBX web-page.
And to reach SIP I use a domain as the domain name from FusionPBX ( I named it "forest") and outbound proxy as Kamailio ip-address (or domain name). Example for Zoiper registration:
Domain: fortest
Username: 1001
Password: 1001_password
Outbound proxy: Kamailio IP-address
And it works fine.
So, to provision IP-phone, I need to enter domain and outbound proxy.
I made changes at the FusionPBX default settings:
outbound_proxy_primary - kamailio_domain_name.mydomain.com
outbound_proxy_secondary - kamailio_ip_address
At the database it looks like:
fusionpbx=# select * from v_default_settings where default_setting_subcategory like '%proxy%';
-[ RECORD 2 ]---------------+-----------------------------------------
default_setting_uuid | c104cf6e-722b-4994-8f3e-2a368aa11715
app_uuid | abf28ead-92ef-3de6-ebbb-023fbc2b6dd3
default_setting_category | provision
default_setting_subcategory | outbound_proxy_primary
default_setting_name | text
default_setting_value | kamailio_domain_name.mydomain.com ----------------------- HERE IT IS, all right so far.
default_setting_order | 0
default_setting_enabled | t
default_setting_description |
-[ RECORD 3 ]---------------+-----------------------------------------
default_setting_uuid | ebfc19c9-cec1-4596-a0ee-582d3f4a0392
app_uuid | abf28ead-92ef-3de6-ebbb-023fbc2b6dd3
default_setting_category | provision
default_setting_subcategory | outbound_proxy_secondary
default_setting_name | text
default_setting_value | kamailio_ip_address ----------------------------------------------- HERE IT IS, all right so far.
default_setting_order | 0
default_setting_enabled | t
default_setting_description |
But, when I download the provision file for any phone ( I tested at grandstream, polycom and yealink templates) I got:
<REGISTRATION reg..serverFeatureControl.cf="0" reg..serverFeatureControl.dnd="0" reg.1.displayName="1001" reg.1.address="1001@fortest" reg.1.label="1001" reg.1.type="private" reg.1.auth.userId="1001" reg.1.auth.password="1001_password" reg.1.lineKeys="1" reg.1.outboundProxy.address="nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com"
The same for Yealink IP-phone:
account.1.enable = 1
account.1.label = 1001
account.1.display_name = 1001
account.1.auth_name = 1001
account.1.password = 1001_password
account.1.user_name = 1001
account.1.sip_server_host = fortest
account.1.sip_server_port = 5060
account.1.outbound_host = nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com ------- ??? - Why it is here ?
account.1.outbound_port = 5060
account.1.sip_listen_port = 5060
#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.1.transport = 0
account.1.outbound_proxy.1.address = nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com ------- ??? - Why it is here ?
account.1.outbound_proxy.2.address = FusionPBX ip-address ------- ??? - Why it is here ?
account.1.outbound_proxy_enable = 1
I greped (sudo grep -r nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com /var/www/fusionpbx/) over the /var/www/fusionpbx/ for the hardcoded nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com, but I can't find it there.
What could be the reason and why FusionPBX doesn't place the kamailio_domain_name.mydomain.com and kamailio_ip_address from the v_default_settings table to the provisioning phone templates?
Thanks in advance!
I have an issue with generating provisioning files for all phones.
I have such SIP schematic: Kamailio (round-robin) -> FusionPBX cluster.
And Web schematic: NGINX Balancer -> FusionPBX cluster
So, to reach FusionPBX web-page I have to use the address: nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com, and NGINX forward me to one of the FusionPBX web-page.
And to reach SIP I use a domain as the domain name from FusionPBX ( I named it "forest") and outbound proxy as Kamailio ip-address (or domain name). Example for Zoiper registration:
Domain: fortest
Username: 1001
Password: 1001_password
Outbound proxy: Kamailio IP-address
And it works fine.
So, to provision IP-phone, I need to enter domain and outbound proxy.
I made changes at the FusionPBX default settings:
outbound_proxy_primary - kamailio_domain_name.mydomain.com
outbound_proxy_secondary - kamailio_ip_address
At the database it looks like:
fusionpbx=# select * from v_default_settings where default_setting_subcategory like '%proxy%';
-[ RECORD 2 ]---------------+-----------------------------------------
default_setting_uuid | c104cf6e-722b-4994-8f3e-2a368aa11715
app_uuid | abf28ead-92ef-3de6-ebbb-023fbc2b6dd3
default_setting_category | provision
default_setting_subcategory | outbound_proxy_primary
default_setting_name | text
default_setting_value | kamailio_domain_name.mydomain.com ----------------------- HERE IT IS, all right so far.
default_setting_order | 0
default_setting_enabled | t
default_setting_description |
-[ RECORD 3 ]---------------+-----------------------------------------
default_setting_uuid | ebfc19c9-cec1-4596-a0ee-582d3f4a0392
app_uuid | abf28ead-92ef-3de6-ebbb-023fbc2b6dd3
default_setting_category | provision
default_setting_subcategory | outbound_proxy_secondary
default_setting_name | text
default_setting_value | kamailio_ip_address ----------------------------------------------- HERE IT IS, all right so far.
default_setting_order | 0
default_setting_enabled | t
default_setting_description |
But, when I download the provision file for any phone ( I tested at grandstream, polycom and yealink templates) I got:
<REGISTRATION reg..serverFeatureControl.cf="0" reg..serverFeatureControl.dnd="0" reg.1.displayName="1001" reg.1.address="1001@fortest" reg.1.label="1001" reg.1.type="private" reg.1.auth.userId="1001" reg.1.auth.password="1001_password" reg.1.lineKeys="1" reg.1.outboundProxy.address="nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com"
The same for Yealink IP-phone:
account.1.enable = 1
account.1.label = 1001
account.1.display_name = 1001
account.1.auth_name = 1001
account.1.password = 1001_password
account.1.user_name = 1001
account.1.sip_server_host = fortest
account.1.sip_server_port = 5060
account.1.outbound_host = nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com ------- ??? - Why it is here ?
account.1.outbound_port = 5060
account.1.sip_listen_port = 5060
#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.1.transport = 0
account.1.outbound_proxy.1.address = nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com ------- ??? - Why it is here ?
account.1.outbound_proxy.2.address = FusionPBX ip-address ------- ??? - Why it is here ?
account.1.outbound_proxy_enable = 1
I greped (sudo grep -r nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com /var/www/fusionpbx/) over the /var/www/fusionpbx/ for the hardcoded nginx_balancer_domain_name.mydomain.com, but I can't find it there.
What could be the reason and why FusionPBX doesn't place the kamailio_domain_name.mydomain.com and kamailio_ip_address from the v_default_settings table to the provisioning phone templates?
Thanks in advance!
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