my account indeed has user role. the documentation doesnt say it needs anything else?
I'll see what i can find
EDIT 1: Okay, after going to Menu Manager, and give the user group access to the Operator Panel link, i have to log out and log in, and then it shows up in the menu. But when i click on it, i get an access denied error. When i make my user admin, it works. But ofcourse this is not what i want
EDIT 2: After the menu manager i have to go into the group manager, and select users, and then i can toggle the operator panel view. THEN it shows up in the list, and i can see it
Only thing is, as an admin i have colourful buttons at the top showing what each status means. as a normal user i dont. I am trying to build an Operator screen that i can show on a monitor, for someone say a receptionist to see who's in a call and who is not.
EDIT 3: Never mind, as an admin those buttons now disapeared as well. Not sure how i managed to do that, but oh well!