Having some trouble setting this up properly. If anyone has any experience with that can point me in the right direction that would be great. If you could point me in the direction of setting up hashed passwords in fusion that would be better.
Hi , What do you mean by per domain load balancing ?. I was able to setup loadbalance with openSIPS for 2 freeswitch nodes following this post . Registartion is okay , but When i make a call freeswitch says opensips IP is rejected by ACL. I added openSIPS ip as domain in vars.xml , added to domains ACL list and binded it to a custom SIP profile . Now the users on this sip profile are able to register . I am trying to figure it out why calls are failing . By the way I am using shared database for the Freeswitch nodes . If someone can throw light on this please let me know