Hey All,
Is there some sort of article one can review regarding multi-server setup? I was reading FusionPBX Docs, and there's information on failover and replication, but I'm not sure that's quite what I'm interested in.
What I'm more looking at is separating out functions into separate servers, e.g. one server plays as maybe an nginx web front-end and provisioning server, and another server which handles core phone functionality (taking the calls, audio-streams, voicemails, etc...). If there's an article regarding separating out PSQL, NGinx, and Freeswitch that might be the start I'm looking for, but I'm actually hoping to minimize the quantity of servers running around. I don't mind multiple services running on the same server, but I don't want a scenario where port 443/80 gets hit a lot and that affects phone calls.
Is there some sort of article one can review regarding multi-server setup? I was reading FusionPBX Docs, and there's information on failover and replication, but I'm not sure that's quite what I'm interested in.
What I'm more looking at is separating out functions into separate servers, e.g. one server plays as maybe an nginx web front-end and provisioning server, and another server which handles core phone functionality (taking the calls, audio-streams, voicemails, etc...). If there's an article regarding separating out PSQL, NGinx, and Freeswitch that might be the start I'm looking for, but I'm actually hoping to minimize the quantity of servers running around. I don't mind multiple services running on the same server, but I don't want a scenario where port 443/80 gets hit a lot and that affects phone calls.