Move FreeSWITCH DB from SQLite into PostgreSql

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Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
Happy to help, but you need to be more specific. To say "encountered issues with Linphone connectivity" is like me saying to you "My car engine won't start, what could be wrong?"

Try to get a packet capture of the connection attempt, sngrep is a good tool. Is there anything in the Freeswitch logs or the Linphone logs?
Try connecting to the freeswitch console, set log level to debug and then watch what happens when the Linphone tries to connect.


New Member
Mar 26, 2024
I used the tool that you have suggested, sngrep, to troubleshoot my connection issue. However, it seems that sngrep will only work once I successfully connect my softphone to DjangoPBX, which I'm currently unable to do.

I recently installed DjangoPBX by following an installation video, but I'm facing issues connecting my Linphone softphone to it. Previously, I had successfully connected Linphone directly to FreeSWITCH using default usernames(1000-1019) and password(1234). However, despite trying different configurations, including various transport protocols (UDP, TCP, TLS), I haven't been able to establish a connection with DjangoPBX. I'm unsure where I might be going wrong or what configuration settings I might be missing.

Additionally, I'm also struggling with registering new SIP users and storing their details in PostgreSQL as part of the DjangoPBX setup. Ideally, I'd like DjangoPBX to handle user registration and authentication, storing the user details in the PostgreSQL database. However, it seems that this functionality isn't working as expected.

If you could provide guidance or assistance with these issues, I would greatly appreciate it. If needed, I can provide further details or error messages encountered during the setup process.

Looking forward to your help and guidance.

Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
I'm sure you are getting confused somewhere. Moving FreeSWITCH DB from SQLLite into PostgreSql, has nothing to do with registering extensions and it is not specific to DjangoPBX. In fact for someone new to FreeSWITCH and/or DjangoPBX I would recommend leaving the FreeSWITCH DB in SQLite.


New Member
Mar 26, 2024
I am sorry for not being clear, but I was talking about 2 different scenarios.

1) I have installed freeswitch in debain 12 in which I am able to register sip profiles through linphone. There I need help in sip registration to keep a record of it using any kind of database. I need help here only for sip registrations to store records. I need help to connect database to freeswitch

2) And then later I saw Djangopbx has postgresql support so I thought it will help me in having a record of sip registrations so I installed following your documentation and there I was not able to register my linphone to any of the sip profiles of freeswitch.

So overall my problem is only getting a database connected to freeswitch where I will be able to have a record of sip registrations.

Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
I'm sorry but I do not understand what you are trying to do or how you are trying to do it. I read your point 1 above and I don't even understand that!
By default FreeSWITCH uses an SQLite database for internal storage including registrations, why do you need to keep a record of them? You can list them at the fs_cli prompt with "show registrations" or you can query SQLite with the SQLite command line tool.

You can set up freeswitch to use PostgreSQL instead of SQlite but I don't understand why you need to do this.

Do you want to use PosegreSQL to store your own configuration settings as opposed to what FreeSWICH uses the database for?
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