Hi, I'm looking at using freeswitch documentation to change the mod_callcenter to announce a position in the queue. There is an example of this at
mod_callcenter - FreeSWITCH - Confluence
I am looking in /etc/freeeswitch/autoload_configs
I have created a call center q in fusionpbx but can't see the config that I am guessing it creates in there somewhere. Am I labouring under a misapprehension? I assumed that fusionpbx updates these - is this not the case?
mod_callcenter - FreeSWITCH - Confluence
I am looking in /etc/freeeswitch/autoload_configs
I have created a call center q in fusionpbx but can't see the config that I am guessing it creates in there somewhere. Am I labouring under a misapprehension? I assumed that fusionpbx updates these - is this not the case?