Is anyone familiar with the reasons for the various port settings needing to be opened in iptables? Here are the ones that are recommended:
udp 1194
udp 16384:32768
By the way, regarding incoming, port 22 is not needed if not remotely connecting, so it should not be left open. Also, ports 80 & 443 should not be necessary when using state of RELATED,ESTABLISHED, and the port tcp or udp 5060-5069 and 5080 depends on the service provider and should not be opened if not needed.
I believe that -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request is only used for pings and would break stealth mode.
udp 1194
udp 16384:32768
By the way, regarding incoming, port 22 is not needed if not remotely connecting, so it should not be left open. Also, ports 80 & 443 should not be necessary when using state of RELATED,ESTABLISHED, and the port tcp or udp 5060-5069 and 5080 depends on the service provider and should not be opened if not needed.
I believe that -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request is only used for pings and would break stealth mode.