Following up on this, I think I am going to have to run some manual db queries for follow me. I've written a query to add a follow me and update the extension, but when I run it, the extension doesn't show up as "Enabled (1)" in the Follow Me app. If I click on the extension, and then click save (all of the info from the query is entered and correct already) it shows up correctly. Does anyone know what else I have to update in the db to have it display correctly?
WITH ins1 AS (
INSERT INTO v_follow_me(domain_uuid, follow_me_uuid, follow_me_enabled, follow_me_ignore_busy)
VALUES ((select domain_uuid from v_domains where domain_name = 'ourdomain'), gen_random_uuid(), true, false)
RETURNING follow_me_uuid
, ins2 AS (
INSERT INTO v_follow_me_destinations(domain_uuid, follow_me_uuid, follow_me_destination_uuid, follow_me_destination)
VALUES((select domain_uuid from v_domains where domain_name = 'ourdomain'), (SELECT follow_me_uuid from ins1), gen_random_uuid(), '123456789')
UPDATE v_extensions SET follow_me_uuid = (SELECT follow_me_uuid from ins1) WHERE extension = '3333';