I need the following call routing.

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May 1, 2020
We have a mobile app ( Android & IOS ) that, amongst other things needs to be able to do the following:

1. Pulled down the the clients calls logs ( A domain ).
2. Update their call blacklist.
3. Update their whitelist.

I was hoping the calls logs are stored somewhere in the database. So should be relatively simple with our existing Delphi components.
With 2. I need to recognise calls in the blacklist and send them to a 'BlackIVR' which would do some form of human test then offer a voice mail option or drop the call. ( are these stored in the database ? )
With 3. these need to go directly to a particular extension without and IVR intervention. I don't see a white so could I add a table and integrate this table. ?

Unfortunately I'm not connected to our Sip Trunk so am unable to start playing around.

Any help appreciated at idiot level please.
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