We have a Big VMware infrastructure and would like to use that instead of the cloud.
We do not use Docker for FusionPBX but we do use it for a Business to Business gateway with BT Openreach. I'm no Docker expert, in fact I have not touched it since I migrated the B2B on to it.
So I guess you will start by spinning up a VM and loading Docker on to it.
It is generally a good plan to keep Docker images small and have one Docker image to only one task. So for FusionPBX I guess we would need three Docker images (some of these may already be available). Start with a basic Debian (I would use 10 if it is available).
1. - Postgresql DB.
2. - NGINX Web server with /var/www/fusionpbx installed.
3. - Freeswitch - configured for FusionPBX with the /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts installed.
You will need to configure these to talk to each other, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work. I hope someone else can chip in with some more help for you.
Kind regards,