I had a problem today for no apparent reason. It seems the sofia profiles are not being loaded, my gateways and extensions are not registered, if I go to Status -> Sip Status and try to restart any of the profiles I can see in the cli some errors:
The files external.xml, internal.xml and their respective IPv6 versions seem to be fine.
Any help or information to point me to the right direction will be much apreciated.
I had a problem today for no apparent reason. It seems the sofia profiles are not being loaded, my gateways and extensions are not registered, if I go to Status -> Sip Status and try to restart any of the profiles I can see in the cli some errors:
2017-08-30 18:22:04.438906 [ERR] mod_memcache.c:425 Error while running command get: A TIMEOUT OCCURRED
2017-08-30 18:22:04.438906 [ERR] switch_xml.c:1695 Error[[error near line 1]: root tag missing]
2017-08-30 18:22:04.438906 [WARNING] sofia.c:5984 No Such Profile 'internal'
Any help or information to point me to the right direction will be much apreciated.