You might try on Signalwire slack to make that a suggestion to see if FreeSWITCH would add an official one. No idea if they would go for it but it would get quick acceptance and traffic if they did.
I also think it is good idea. We may borrow some idea and techniques from fusionpbxWould anyone be interested in a FreeSWITCH (without FusionPBX) forum? I'm posting to say that I would.The Signalwire slack & IRC are pretty dead for FreeSWITCH help and the mailing list is what it is, but there's no forum out there that has a FreeSWITCH focus.
I want to get help on it from you , I ready installed a freeswitch into a windows server and have acces to my freeswitch web portal but no how to do others things like cofigured the gateway, users and .. from there . Try to instal FusionPBX is not workingSim, acho que um fórum FreeSWITCH específico pode ser útil. Eu uso algumas instâncias do FreeSWITCH sem Fusion para algumas instalações, como servidores de mídia, etc.
Em seu próprio fórum, a menção de "dialplan", por exemplo, não seria confundida com o FusionPBX dialplan GUI.