We've documented the procedure to implement free IBM voice prompts for use with FusionPBX.
Tutorial available here: http://nerdvittles.com/?p=26899
Tutorial available here: http://nerdvittles.com/?p=26899
We've documented the procedure to implement free IBM voice prompts for use with FusionPBX.
Tutorial available here: http://nerdvittles.com/?p=26899
I was trying to follow the tutorial and could not match up the credentials provided by IBM Cloud. It doesn't seem to create a user and password, but instead creates an API key and it looks like the URL has changed as well. Did I miss something, or did IBM change something? I would like to get this working.
For anyone else that finds this. I was able to get this working. Set the username to "apikey" and the password to your IBM Cloud API key.
Is there a reason to use Text to Speech from IBM instead of Mozilla's TTS?
Additionally, are you referencing GPLv2 where your comments in both the PHP file and bash script refer to "the GPL2 license"?
If you listen to both the IBM TTS and Mozilla TTS sample recordings, I think the answer is pretty obvious.
I think most folks here are sufficiently intelligent to figure out that GPLv2 and GPL2 are one and the same.
I beg to differ, listening to IBM's TTS demo it sounds like they're clipping the end of many words, and the tone is inconsistent. This word clipping doesn't appear to be an issue for Mozilla TTS, and the tone is fairly consistent, less jarring to listen to than the results of IBM's TTS.
Did you look at the COPYING file? It contains GPLv2 and the MIT license, plus a copyright notice for some random company that is unrelated to Ward. Being presumptuous about licensing and copyright has landed people in hot water before, best to wait till Ward corrects it to match his intent.
I read the tutorial.I don't suppose you actually read the tutorial??
Your code in ibmprompt-fusion.tar.gz doesn't use that weather API though...The worldwide weather app uses a source ("some random company" as you put it) that licenses content under the MIT license.
All I'm asking for is for some basic cleanup of minor misspellings, not trying to upset you!Take the barbs about hot water elsewhere. If you don't like the licensing terms, don't use the software. Simple as that.