This is the debug
1 witch_core_sqldb.c:1874 sofia:external Destroying SQL queue.
2 2023-10-06 06:48:24.313153 97.73% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1825 sofia:external Stopping SQL thread.
3 2023-10-06 06:48:24.313153 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3582 Write lock external
4 2023-10-06 06:48:24.313153 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3595 Write unlock external
5 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 hold-music [local_stream://default]
6 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-negotiation [generous]
7 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-prefs [G7221@32000h,G7221@16000h,G722,PCMU,PCMA]
8 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_timeout [300]
9 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 nonce-ttl [60]
10 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 outbound-codec-prefs [PCMU,PCMA]
11 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rfc2833-pt [101]
12 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-ip []
13 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-timer-name [soft]
14 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 session-timeout [0]
15 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-port [5090]
16 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-trace [no]
17 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 suppress-cng [true]
18 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls [false]
19 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-bind-params [transport=tls]
20 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-cert-dir [/etc/freeswitch/tls]
21 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-only [false]
22 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-passphrase []
23 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-zrtp-passthru [true]
24 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 local-network-acl []
25 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 manage-presence [false]
26 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_hold_timeout [1800]
27 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-inbound-acl [providers]
28 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-nat-acl []
29 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-register-acl [providers]
30 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-calls [true]
31 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-subscriptions [true]
32 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 context [public]
33 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 debug [0]
34 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dialplan [XML]
35 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-capture [no]
36 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-ip []
37 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-sip-port [5091]
38 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-date [false]
39 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-depth [2]
40 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-in-subjects []
41 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-policy [none]
42 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-version [tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2]
43 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 track-calls [false]
44 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 user-agent-string [FreeSWITCH]
45 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 zrtp-passthru [true]
46 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-duration [2000]
47 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-type [rfc2833]
48 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 enable-timer [false]
49 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-rtp-ip []
50 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-sip-ip []
51 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-late-negotiation [true]
52 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [INFO] sofia.c:6187 Setting MAX Auth Validity to 0 Attempts
53 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [NOTICE] sofia.c:6350 Started Profile external [sofia_reg_external]
54 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3162 Creating agent for external
55 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3325 Created agent for external
56 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3375 Set params for external
57 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3422 Activated db for external
58 2023-10-06 06:48:24.353137 97.73% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1840 sofia:external Starting SQL thread.
59 2023-10-06 06:48:24.373129 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3460 Starting thread for external
60 2023-10-06 06:48:24.373129 97.73% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3052 Launching worker thread for external
61 2023-10-06 06:48:29.413141 97.53% [INFO] mod_enum.c:884 ENUM Reloaded
62 2023-10-06 06:48:29.413141 97.53% [INFO] switch_time.c:1433 Timezone reloaded 1750 definitions
63 2023-10-06 06:48:30.213167 97.20% [NOTICE] sofia.c:3510 Waiting for worker thread
64 2023-10-06 06:48:31.213178 97.13% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1874 sofia:internal Destroying SQL queue.
65 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1825 sofia:internal Stopping SQL thread.
66 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3582 Write lock internal
67 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3595 Write unlock internal
68 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-inbound-acl [providers]
69 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-nat-acl []
70 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-register-acl [providers]
71 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-all-packets [false]
72 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-calls [true]
73 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-subscriptions [true]
74 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 challenge-realm [auto_to]
75 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 context [public]
76 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 debug [0]
77 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dialplan [XML]
78 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-ip []
79 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-timer-name [soft]
80 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-capture [no]
81 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-ip []
82 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-port [5060]
83 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-trace [no]
84 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-duration [2000]
85 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-type [rfc2833]
86 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 enable-timer [false]
87 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-rtp-ip []
88 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-sip-ip []
89 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 forward-unsolicited-mwi-notify [false]
90 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 hold-music [local_stream://default]
91 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-negotiation [generous]
92 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-prefs [G7221@32000h,G7221@16000h,G722,PCMU,PCMA]
93 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-late-negotiation [true]
94 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-reg-force-matching-username [true]
95 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-zrtp-passthru [true]
96 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 local-network-acl []
97 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 log-auth-failures [false]
98 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 manage-presence [true]
99 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 manage-shared-appearance [true]
100 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_hold_timeout [1800]
101 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_timeout [300]
102 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 nonce-ttl [60]
103 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 outbound-codec-prefs [G7221@32000h,G7221@16000h,G722,PCMU,PCMA]
104 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 presence-hosts [{domain},]
105 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 presence-privacy [{presence_privacy}]
106 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 presence-probe-on-register [true]
107 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 record-path [/var/lib/freeswitch/recordings]
108 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 record-template [${domain_name}/archive/${strftime(%Y)}/${strftime(%b)}/${strftime(%d)}/${uuid}.${record_ext}]
109 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rfc2833-pt [101]
110 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls [false]
111 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-bind-params [transport=tls]
112 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-cert-dir [/etc/freeswitch/tls]
113 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-only [false]
114 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-passphrase []
115 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-sip-port [5061]
116 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-date [false]
117 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-depth [2]
118 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-in-subjects []
119 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-policy [none]
120 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-version [tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2]
121 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 track-calls [false]
122 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 user-agent-string [FreeSWITCH]
123 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 watchdog-enabled [no]
124 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 watchdog-event-timeout [30000]
125 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 watchdog-step-timeout [30000]
126 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ws-binding [:5066]
127 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 wss-binding [:7443]
128 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 NDLB-force-rport [safe]
129 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 aggressive-nat-detection [true]
130 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [INFO] sofia.c:6187 Setting MAX Auth Validity to 0 Attempts
131 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [NOTICE] sofia.c:6350 Started Profile internal [sofia_reg_internal]
132 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3162 Creating agent for internal
133 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3325 Created agent for internal
134 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3375 Set params for internal
135 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3422 Activated db for internal
136 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1840 sofia:internal Starting SQL thread.
137 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3460 Starting thread for internal
138 2023-10-06 06:48:31.413143 97.13% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3052 Launching worker thread for internal
139 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1482 Created ip list default (deny)
140 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
141 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1488 Created ip list default (deny)
142 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
143 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
144 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
145 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding fe80::/10 (allow) [] to list
146 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1497 Created ip list default (allow)
147 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
148 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
149 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
150 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
151 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
152 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
153 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding fe80::/10 (deny) [] to list
154 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1509 Created ip list default (allow)
155 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
156 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding fe80::/10 (deny) [] to list
157 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1517 Created ip list default (allow)
158 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
159 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
160 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
161 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
162 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
163 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
164 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding ::/0 (deny) [] to list
165 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1530 Created ip list default (allow)
166 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (deny) [] to list
167 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1537 Created ip list default (allow)
168 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding ::/0 (deny) [] to list
169 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1544 Created ip list default (deny)
170 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1546 Adding (deny) to list
171 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
172 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
173 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
174 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
175 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1556 Created ip list default (deny)
176 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list
177 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding ::1/128 (allow) [] to list
178 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1563 Created ip list default (deny)
179 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1566 Adding (allow) to list
180 2023-10-06 06:49:52.893170 99.03% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1591 Created ip list providers default (deny)
181 2023-10-06 06:49:52.913146 99.03% [INFO] mod_enum.c:884 ENUM Reloaded
182 2023-10-06 06:49:52.913146 99.03% [INFO] switch_time.c:1433 Timezone reloaded 1750 definitions
183 2023-10-06 06:49:52.933140 98.70% [WARNING] switch_core.c:1644 Cannot locate domain
184 2023-10-06 06:49:52.933140 98.70% [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1591 Created ip list rfc1918 default (deny)
185 2023-10-06 06:49:52.933140 98.70% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list rfc1918
186 2023-10-06 06:49:52.933140 98.70% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list rfc1918
187 2023-10-06 06:49:52.933140 98.70% [NOTICE] switch_utils.c:665 Adding (allow) [] to list rfc1918
188 2023-10-06 07:00:22.873159 97.53% [INFO] mod_enum.c:884 ENUM Reloaded
189 2023-10-06 07:00:22.873159 97.53% [INFO] switch_time.c:1433 Timezone reloaded 1750 definitions
190 2023-10-06 07:00:34.293140 98.00% [INFO] mod_enum.c:884 ENUM Reloaded
191 2023-10-06 07:00:34.293140 98.00% [INFO] switch_time.c:1433 Timezone reloaded 1750 definitions
192 2023-10-06 07:00:34.513155 98.00% [NOTICE] sofia.c:3510 Waiting for worker thread
193 2023-10-06 07:00:35.513153 97.93% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1874 sofia:external Destroying SQL queue.
194 2023-10-06 07:00:35.713147 97.93% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1825 sofia:external Stopping SQL thread.
195 2023-10-06 07:00:35.713147 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3582 Write lock external
196 2023-10-06 07:00:35.713147 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3595 Write unlock external
197 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-timer-name [soft]
198 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 session-timeout [0]
199 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-duration [2000]
200 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-type [rfc2833]
201 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 enable-timer [false]
202 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-rtp-ip []
203 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-sip-ip []
204 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 hold-music [local_stream://default]
205 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-negotiation [generous]
206 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-prefs [G7221@32000h,G7221@16000h,G722,PCMU,PCMA]
207 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-capture [no]
208 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-ip []
209 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-port [5080]
210 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-zrtp-passthru [true]
211 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 local-network-acl []
212 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 manage-presence [false]
213 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_hold_timeout [1800]
214 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-inbound-acl [providers]
215 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-nat-acl []
216 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-register-acl [providers]
217 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-calls [true]
218 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-subscriptions [true]
219 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 context [public]
220 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_timeout [300]
221 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 nonce-ttl [60]
222 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-trace [no]
223 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 suppress-cng [true]
224 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls [false]
225 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-bind-params [transport=tls]
226 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-cert-dir [/etc/freeswitch/tls]
227 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-only [false]
228 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-passphrase []
229 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-sip-port [5081]
230 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-date [false]
231 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-depth [2]
232 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-in-subjects []
233 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-policy [none]
234 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-version [tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2]
235 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 track-calls [false]
236 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 user-agent-string [FreeSWITCH]
237 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 zrtp-passthru [true]
238 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 outbound-codec-prefs [PCMU,PCMA]
239 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rfc2833-pt [101]
240 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-ip []
241 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 debug [0]
242 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dialplan [XML]
243 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-late-negotiation [true]
244 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [INFO] sofia.c:6187 Setting MAX Auth Validity to 0 Attempts
245 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [NOTICE] sofia.c:6350 Started Profile external [sofia_reg_external]
246 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3162 Creating agent for external
247 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3325 Created agent for external
248 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3375 Set params for external
249 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3422 Activated db for external
250 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1840 sofia:external Starting SQL thread.
251 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3460 Starting thread for external
252 2023-10-06 07:00:35.753137 97.93% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3052 Launching worker thread for external
253 2023-10-06 07:00:39.593170 98.00% [INFO] mod_enum.c:884 ENUM Reloaded
254 2023-10-06 07:00:39.593170 98.00% [INFO] switch_time.c:1433 Timezone reloaded 1750 definitions
255 2023-10-06 07:00:40.553174 97.63% [NOTICE] sofia.c:3510 Waiting for worker thread
256 2023-10-06 07:00:41.573161 97.53% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1874 sofia:internal Destroying SQL queue.
257 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1825 sofia:internal Stopping SQL thread.
258 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3582 Write lock internal
259 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3595 Write unlock internal
260 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-inbound-acl [providers]
261 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-nat-acl []
262 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-register-acl [providers]
263 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-all-packets [false]
264 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-calls [true]
265 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-subscriptions [true]
266 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 challenge-realm [auto_to]
267 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 context [public]
268 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 debug [0]
269 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dialplan [XML]
270 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-ip []
271 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-timer-name [soft]
272 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-capture [no]
273 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-ip []
274 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-port [5060]
275 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-trace [no]
276 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-duration [2000]
277 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-type [rfc2833]
278 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 enable-timer [false]
279 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-rtp-ip []
280 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-sip-ip []
281 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 forward-unsolicited-mwi-notify [false]
282 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 hold-music [local_stream://default]
283 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-negotiation [generous]
284 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-prefs [G7221@32000h,G7221@16000h,G722,PCMU,PCMA]
285 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-late-negotiation [true]
286 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-reg-force-matching-username [true]
287 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-zrtp-passthru [true]
288 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 local-network-acl []
289 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 log-auth-failures [false]
290 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 manage-presence [true]
291 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 manage-shared-appearance [true]
292 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_hold_timeout [1800]
293 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_timeout [300]
294 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 nonce-ttl [60]
295 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 outbound-codec-prefs [G7221@32000h,G7221@16000h,G722,PCMU,PCMA]
296 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 presence-hosts [{domain},]
297 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 presence-privacy [{presence_privacy}]
298 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 presence-probe-on-register [true]
299 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 record-path [/var/lib/freeswitch/recordings]
300 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 record-template [${domain_name}/archive/${strftime(%Y)}/${strftime(%b)}/${strftime(%d)}/${uuid}.${record_ext}]
301 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rfc2833-pt [101]
302 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls [false]
303 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-bind-params [transport=tls]
304 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-cert-dir [/etc/freeswitch/tls]
305 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-only [false]
306 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-passphrase []
307 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-sip-port [5061]
308 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-date [false]
309 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-depth [2]
310 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-in-subjects []
311 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-policy [none]
312 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-version [tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2]
313 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 track-calls [false]
314 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 user-agent-string [FreeSWITCH]
315 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 watchdog-enabled [no]
316 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 watchdog-event-timeout [30000]
317 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 watchdog-step-timeout [30000]
318 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ws-binding [:5066]
319 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 wss-binding [:7443]
320 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 NDLB-force-rport [safe]
321 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 aggressive-nat-detection [true]
322 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [INFO] sofia.c:6187 Setting MAX Auth Validity to 0 Attempts
323 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [NOTICE] sofia.c:6350 Started Profile internal [sofia_reg_internal]
324 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3162 Creating agent for internal
325 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3325 Created agent for internal
326 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3375 Set params for internal
327 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3422 Activated db for internal
328 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1840 sofia:internal Starting SQL thread.
329 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3460 Starting thread for internal
330 2023-10-06 07:00:41.773158 97.53% [DEBUG] sofia.c:3052 Launching worker thread for internal
331 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-timer-name [soft]
332 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 session-timeout [0]
333 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-duration [2000]
334 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dtmf-type [rfc2833]
335 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 enable-timer [false]
336 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-rtp-ip []
337 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 ext-sip-ip []
338 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 hold-music [local_stream://default]
339 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-negotiation [generous]
340 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-codec-prefs [G7221@32000h,G7221@16000h,G722,PCMU,PCMA]
341 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-capture [no]
342 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-ip []
343 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-port [5080]
344 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-zrtp-passthru [true]
345 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 local-network-acl []
346 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 manage-presence [false]
347 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_hold_timeout [1800]
348 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-inbound-acl [providers]
349 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-nat-acl []
350 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 apply-register-acl [providers]
351 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-calls [true]
352 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 auth-subscriptions [true]
353 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 context [public]
354 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 media_timeout [300]
355 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 nonce-ttl [60]
356 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 sip-trace [no]
357 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 suppress-cng [true]
358 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls [false]
359 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-bind-params [transport=tls]
360 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-cert-dir [/etc/freeswitch/tls]
361 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-only [false]
362 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-passphrase []
363 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-sip-port [5081]
364 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-date [false]
365 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-depth [2]
366 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-in-subjects []
367 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-verify-policy [none]
368 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 tls-version [tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2]
369 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 track-calls [false]
370 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 user-agent-string [FreeSWITCH]
371 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 zrtp-passthru [true]
372 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 outbound-codec-prefs [PCMU,PCMA]
373 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rfc2833-pt [101]
374 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 rtp-ip []
375 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 debug [0]
376 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 dialplan [XML]
377 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [DEBUG] sofia.c:4727 inbound-late-negotiation [true]
378 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [INFO] sofia.c:6187 Setting MAX Auth Validity to 0 Attempts
379 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [INFO] mod_enum.c:884 ENUM Reloaded
380 2023-10-06 07:01:13.373140 97.47% [INFO] switch_time.c:1433 Timezone reloaded 1750 definitions
381 2023-10-06 07:02:24.773158 97.93% [INFO] mod_enum.c:884 ENUM Reloaded
382 2023-10-06 07:02:24.773158 97.93% [INFO] switch_time.c:1433 Timezone reloaded 1750 definitions