"destination_country_code is required"
so 2 days ago an update to DESTINATIONS was committed to GitHub that made the previously optional country code field mandatory. Never mind that it killed my whole system, I don't understand why such a change is necessary and why it has to be forced on the user base when it was optional in the past. I don't know how other configure their system but in my case I use E164 for the DID and 10-digits for the extension.
Thus my inbound destination is "15141234567" and my extension is "5141234567"
and the Inbound Route generated XML syntax is ^(15141234567)$
However, if we have to add the mandatory country code "1" to the Destination then
the Inbound Route generated XML syntax is ^\+?x?(15141234567)$
which means it now matches the incoming DID with 4 options which is a security risk
Can this be reversed? Why is the country code mandatory? What's the logic behind this change? Does it affect other installation too or is it just me?
destination_country_code is required · fusionpbx/fusionpbx@26b0988
Official FusionPBX - A full-featured domain based multi-tenant PBX and voice switch for FreeSwitch. - destination_country_code is required · fusionpbx/fusionpbx@26b0988
so 2 days ago an update to DESTINATIONS was committed to GitHub that made the previously optional country code field mandatory. Never mind that it killed my whole system, I don't understand why such a change is necessary and why it has to be forced on the user base when it was optional in the past. I don't know how other configure their system but in my case I use E164 for the DID and 10-digits for the extension.
Thus my inbound destination is "15141234567" and my extension is "5141234567"
and the Inbound Route generated XML syntax is ^(15141234567)$
However, if we have to add the mandatory country code "1" to the Destination then
the Inbound Route generated XML syntax is ^\+?x?(15141234567)$
which means it now matches the incoming DID with 4 options which is a security risk
Can this be reversed? Why is the country code mandatory? What's the logic behind this change? Does it affect other installation too or is it just me?