I found an interesting problem. After I delete a greeting from the GUI, the voicemail has no greeting and the voicemail goes straight to the instructions. I can see FreeSWITCH still tries to access that greeting as I see in the cli
Error Opening File/var/lib/freeswitch/storage/voicemail/default/domain.com/306/greeting_1.wav] [System error: No such file or directory.]
I checked in the Database and it's deleted from there too
I solved it by renaming the voicemail ID and then renaming it back to the original one
it seems like the old greeting is cached somewhere.
anyone with any idea what's the cause?
I found an interesting problem. After I delete a greeting from the GUI, the voicemail has no greeting and the voicemail goes straight to the instructions. I can see FreeSWITCH still tries to access that greeting as I see in the cli
Error Opening File/var/lib/freeswitch/storage/voicemail/default/domain.com/306/greeting_1.wav] [System error: No such file or directory.]
I checked in the Database and it's deleted from there too
I solved it by renaming the voicemail ID and then renaming it back to the original one
it seems like the old greeting is cached somewhere.
anyone with any idea what's the cause?