Debian Buster Backports libcurl3-gnutls breaks ability to upgrade via the web gui and via git directly.

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Feb 1, 2019
If you do not use backports this will not affect you since the last security update for ibcurl3-gnutls that is not backported works fine. The solution for me was to do an # apt install libcurl3-gnutls=7.64.0-4+deb10u2 and then add a block in the update for that package by running # apt-mark hold libcurl3-gnutls=7.64.0-4+deb10u2. One can also pin it I think. Anyway, if you cannot upgrade FusionPBX easily anymore this is why. With Bullseye coming up I am concerned because it has the same newer version that broke tls in https git. It was reported to Debian some time ago.

While on the upgrade topic, how so any of you set the update via command line? There are three options. I chose git config --global pull.rebase true. If there is any reason why one of the other two are preferable please tell me.


Feb 1, 2019
I just like a challenge so was gonna give it a go.. but then work got in the way anyway.

Someone has to test it :p

I'd wait until Freeswitch is actually ported to Bullseye since this is the basis of the system as I am sure there will be dependency problems. Since I do have one instance of FusionPBX running on a VPS, I'll take a snapshot of that, then try to update but I expect it to run into dependency problems which would completely bork the installation so I can just restore from the snapshot. Upgrading Buster to Bullseye itself is a cakewalk as I have done it on a file server. Having Freeswitch ported to Buster, continue to work on Bullseye, well, this is the only way I can risk it. I will not do it to my bare metal daily use installation for an experiment.
That was my plan, but from bare metal. Long time since I did a dist upgrade to my old freeswitch server, but at the time it worked well (maybe the odd stumbling block). More just curiosity and the challenge of 'making' it work at this stage.

I'll stick with getting my head around lua and XML in freeswitch for now and let someone else give feedback.


Feb 1, 2019
I have an update, libcurl3-gnutls Is version libcurl3-gnutls_7.74 is the lowest version in Bullseye and it will NOT allow one to install libcurl3-gnutls_7.64 from Buster via dpkg as libnettle6 is not available in Bullseye. Yes, after updating the distro I had to purge php and modify the installation scripts for php to use 7.4 and look for bullseye and then run it by itself, this was the easiest way to fix the web gui and alsoi the nginx file in sites available to point to php 7.4. Freeswitch now has a bullseye branch. The FusionPBX installer as of yesterday is NOT set up for Bullseye but I can tell you that it works if you wish to change a few things. I have two servers running perfectly and the web gui running off of PHP 7.4. Freeswitch itself and the database we use chugged along the whole time but FusionPBX is the gui so it like the entire system needs to work. Unfortunately, the update feature does not work. I may take the source from the Buster 7.64 and compile it in bullseye so it will work and then put a hold or a pin on it. I looked in the bug report, definitely not fixed yet. There might we a way to use something other than tls but we shouldn't have to which is the point.


Feb 1, 2019
By using libcurl3-gnutls_7.64 and libnettle6 from Buster, I was able to install both on Bullseye using dpkg -i and the update in the web gui works fine this way. just be sure to put a hold on them so they do not get updated, I cannot believe that we're into another distro and it has not been fixed yet.

Fusionpbx running well on Bullseye now.


Feb 1, 2019
I was seeing if I could do it with minimal effort, I now see it is best to remain with what the current installer expects. If it is not set up for Debian 11, it really IS playing roulette.


Feb 1, 2019
Bullseye is added as a distro to install to now on the git page but the documentation on the regular website is very 2020 still. The Freeswitch packages became available for Bullseye months ago which is when I took the plunge. Also they finally fixed libcurl3-gnutls in backports so it's a non-issue now, no need to go to the lengths I had to to get it working before. I just downloaded the install source and I cannot find anything that would limit it to Buster and the PHP installer tells it to install PHP 7.4 if the os is Bullseye, 7.3 if it is Buster. The latter was one of the few sticking points when I upgraded early and I had to edit the PHP installer and added the same thing they did later. No need to stay with Buster now. Nothing is broken.
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