Customizing FusionPBX: Adding a Client's Name to the Interface

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New Member
Sep 28, 2024
pt ~
Olá, tudo bem? Estou com uma dúvida simples, mas gostaria muito de sua ajuda. Estou tentando personalizar o FusionPBX para atender um pedido de um cliente. A ideia é trocar o nome padrão "FusionPBX" para algo como "<nome_do_meu_cliente> FusionPBX".

Pesquisando, encontrei um arquivo de configuração chamado app_config.php no caminho /var/www/fusionpbx/themes/default/. Pelo que parece, é nesse arquivo que consigo manipular o nome exibido. No entanto, não tenho certeza de como aplicar a alteração ou mesmo se estou no lugar correto.

Você poderia me orientar sobre como realizar essa modificação? Meu cliente gostaria muito de ver o nome dele integrado ao sistema.

Agradeço desde já pela ajuda!


Hello, how are you? I have a simple question, but I could really use your help. I'm trying to customize FusionPBX to meet a client's request. The idea is to replace the default "FusionPBX" name with something like "<my_client_name> FusionPBX".

While searching, I found a configuration file named app_config.php located at /var/www/fusionpbx/themes/default/. It seems like this is the file where I can modify the displayed name. However, I'm not sure how to apply the change or if this is even the correct file.

Could you guide me on how to make this modification? My client would really appreciate seeing their name integrated into the system.

Thank you in advance for your help!


New Member
Jan 21, 2022

This would be considered branding FusionPBX.
The official documentation on how to brand/white label is part of the paid FusionPBX membership documentation should not be shared publicly.
In other words are those variables left out intentionally under default settings -> theme.

Documentation can be found under Member Documentation -> Branding

If you're not already a member, please consider this to contribute to the FusionPBX project.
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