We have 100 different stores, each with a unique inbound phone number(NPA-NXX-ABCD) and a unique ring group (44NPANXXABCD).
We are making changes to the Time Condition on a fairly regular basis, changing store hours.
Currently I have 100 time conditions, mapping a inbound number to a time condition and then if it matches times we pass the call to the extensions.
My questions is:
Can I create 1 time conditions, route all 100 DID's to the time condition, then based on the 10 digit phone (NPA-NXX-ABCD) number route the call to a ring group 44NPA-NXX-ABCD.
We are making changes to the Time Condition on a fairly regular basis, changing store hours.
Currently I have 100 time conditions, mapping a inbound number to a time condition and then if it matches times we pass the call to the extensions.
My questions is:
Can I create 1 time conditions, route all 100 DID's to the time condition, then based on the 10 digit phone (NPA-NXX-ABCD) number route the call to a ring group 44NPA-NXX-ABCD.