Hey everyone,
I am new to fusionPBX and this may be a remedial question, but I am having serious issues with it and cannot seem to find any help anywhere with it.
I am trying to create a multi-tenant system which is hosted on a google cloud VM with a static IP and auto-provision phones out to the individual tenants . I have got it so the phone finds the provisioning server and pulls the settings, but i'm having issue with the phone actually registering
The settings the phone is pulling for the account seems to be wrong, or the fusionPBX is auto-populating fields oddly. When creating an extension in fusionPBX and assigning a mac address to it, it auto populates the "Account Code" field with the name of the domain it is in. This Account Code then gets pushed out to the phone when it pulls provisioning and is used as the "SIP Server". This doesn't make since to me as the SIP Server should be the external IP of the PBX if I am not mistaken. This would mean I either have to name the domain after the external IP, or manually change the Account Code after you create the extension.
Furthermore, the username it attempts to log in with is pulled directly from the phone as "User Name"@"SIP Server". Because of this when I modify the SIP Server field to actually see the server the username comes back wrong as the name of the domain is not the external IP (user@
I tried renaming the domain to the external IP and found that the phone connects and does not throws a "could not find user" error, but it still does through an auth failure error. And, this is where I'm stuck.
Hosting on Google Cloud VM (g1-small)
I am using Debian 8 with a fresh install of fusionPBX as of the day before this post (10/10/2017).
I am trying to set up Yealink T38G and T48G phones.

I am new to fusionPBX and this may be a remedial question, but I am having serious issues with it and cannot seem to find any help anywhere with it.
I am trying to create a multi-tenant system which is hosted on a google cloud VM with a static IP and auto-provision phones out to the individual tenants . I have got it so the phone finds the provisioning server and pulls the settings, but i'm having issue with the phone actually registering
The settings the phone is pulling for the account seems to be wrong, or the fusionPBX is auto-populating fields oddly. When creating an extension in fusionPBX and assigning a mac address to it, it auto populates the "Account Code" field with the name of the domain it is in. This Account Code then gets pushed out to the phone when it pulls provisioning and is used as the "SIP Server". This doesn't make since to me as the SIP Server should be the external IP of the PBX if I am not mistaken. This would mean I either have to name the domain after the external IP, or manually change the Account Code after you create the extension.
Furthermore, the username it attempts to log in with is pulled directly from the phone as "User Name"@"SIP Server". Because of this when I modify the SIP Server field to actually see the server the username comes back wrong as the name of the domain is not the external IP (user@
I tried renaming the domain to the external IP and found that the phone connects and does not throws a "could not find user" error, but it still does through an auth failure error. And, this is where I'm stuck.
Hosting on Google Cloud VM (g1-small)
I am using Debian 8 with a fresh install of fusionPBX as of the day before this post (10/10/2017).
I am trying to set up Yealink T38G and T48G phones.