Clone existing domain to the new one with all users, dialplan, etc.

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Hi DigitalDaz - I appreciate you trying to help.

I am not real clear on what you are saying to do here

This is where I went

if (r.dialplan_detail_tag == "condition") then
if (r.dialplan_detail_type == "destination_number") then
if (api:execute("regex", "m:~"..destination_number.."~"..r.dialp$
--get the regex result
destination_result = trim(api:execute("regex", "$
--set match equal to true
regex_match = true
if (r.dialplan_detail_tag == "action") then
if (regex_match) then
--replace $1
dialplan_detail_data = r.dialplan_detail_data:gsub("$1",$
--if the session is set then process the actions
if (y == 0) then
square = "[domain_name="..domain_name..",domain_$
if (r.dialplan_detail_type == "set") then
--session:execute("eval", dialplan_detail_data);
if (dialplan_detail_data == "sip_h_X-accountcode$
if (session) then
accountcode = session:getVariabl$
if (accountcode) then
square = square .. "sip_$
What I'd like to know is how you guys who use a common gateway manage to bill your clients?

I charge my clients a flat rate of $24.99/per phone per month. I choose low usage clients. I have 75 clients currently on 75 different Freepbx instances. You can imagine my pbx maintenance nightmares
That is why I am trying to make fusion work for me so I can have a MT solution.
There is a chunk of code in that file:

                              --setup the delimiter
                                        delimiter = ",";
                                        if (ring_group_strategy == "rollover") then
                                                delimiter = "|";

Change it to:

                              --setup the delimiter
                                        delimiter = ",";
                                        if (ring_group_strategy == "rollover") then
                                                delimiter = ","; <--------------------------
I changed it to a comma, saved, rebooted the server, and then did a test. I have Ext 101, 102 and 103 set up on 1 phone. I had a call in progress on line 1 and instead of rolling over to line 2 it sent me to voice mail


  • ringgrupshot.jpg
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Are you sure this is not now a function of the phone setup, ie you have them all configured on one phone and call wating is disabled? This definitely works for me now across multiple phones. I'll try putting them on the same phone tomorroow
On a practical level, what do you call cloning a domain?
For example, gateways, extensions, what??

I'd like to clone ALL settings of "template" domain. If domain settings contains gateways, extensions, dialplan, IVR, etc - it should be cloned to the new domain..
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Hi guys, just jumping in on the end of this one.

We've tested the 'rollover' ring group strategy and this is what we've found;

Extensions 1001 and 1002
Ring group: 2002
Call waiting on the phone(s) is disabled
Handset(s): Yealink T27G

When the extensions are setup on separate phones, the rollover ring strategy works as expected. E.g. if 1001 is on a call, the call rolls over to 1002 on the 2nd phone.

However, when the extensions are setup on one phone (i.e. in a 'line 1' and 'line 2' scenario), the behavior is as Baulder describes; the call does not roll over to the next extension; If we leave call waiting on the phone disabled, it simply presents a busy tone/signal and a USER_BUSY response. If we change call waiting on the phone to enabled, the call tries to ring on the first extension (1001) and eventually goes to voicemail.

The outcome doesn't change if we edit the delimiter in the index.lua file.

I suspect it's got something to do with the phone's and not FusionPBX, in particular with the call waiting setting. As a test with both extensions configured on one phone and call waiting enabled, we rang 1001 and then answered the call, then rang 1002 and both calls presented on their respective lines, as you'd expect. Turn off call waiting, and the same behavior as above where the second call to 1002 returns an busy tone.

What I think is needed is call waiting per line on the handsets, as the call waiting on the Yealink enables it across all lines (which from a standard users perspective would be correct and expected).

We've got a client deployment with this requirement over the next few days, but it looks like we'll be testing work-arounds rather than trying to see why this is happening as I doubt we'll get to the bottom of it soon.

Baulder, did you make any further progress with this ?

Any ideas overall?
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I share you guys frustration on this, I raised it with the developer and he just insisted it works, clearly we know it doesn't. Combine this with his retarded decision to remove the ability to raise tickets anymore with FusionPBX and for the moment, I cannot see a way around it.

With the recent Freeswitch announcement that they are offering VMs with FusionPBX on, maybe we should petition them to fork it, at least we may get the most basic things back then like the ability to raise a ticket!!
The coding is fairly clean compared to other open source projects. He only makes it as complicated as it needs to be. That is one of the benefits of having it being done by just one guy. So it's fairly easy to follow the code and track down problems.

I would like to see more work done on making it more intuitive rather than adding more bells and whistles imo.
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Personally, I would rather have a way to change/set settings accross multiple devices, extensions, etc. I currently do this in SQL but it would really be nice to be able to be able to select multiple things and change the same settings for all of those selected. To me this would make setting up a new domain a breeze which is what I think you guys are trying to get at with being able to "Clone" a domain.

I'm revitalizing a past subject. According to the tests I do the problem is still in progress. Do you have the problem solved?

Busy detection in this field does not work.

--if the user is busy rollover to the next destination
if (ring_group_strategy == "rollover") then
timeout = 0;
x = 0;
for key, row in pairs(destinations) do
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