So I'm attempting to offload my CDR records that are over 90 days to an archive postgres server. I've set the required settings, but the archive button isn't displayed on the CDR screen as the instructions said it would be. I did hit the reload button on the Default Settings screen. I've also flushed cache and reloaded xml just to see if that was the issue. If I attempt to access the /app/xml_cdr/xml_cdr_archive.php directly, it's throwing the following errors:
I've checked and double checked and I do in fact have archive_database_driver set. I've also set it at the domain level as well just to see if that made a difference.
Attaching my settings. I'm running on an alternate port on this archive server so it's valid. I'm able to connect to the server below from our PBX from command line without issue.
Any assistance is appreciated!
Thanks, Frank C
Warning: Offset or Limit not set to valid integer. Resetting to zero! in /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/classes/database.php on line 329
Fatal error: Type/Driver must be set to pgsql,mysql,sqlite,odbc in /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/classes/database.php on line 321
I've checked and double checked and I do in fact have archive_database_driver set. I've also set it at the domain level as well just to see if that made a difference.
Attaching my settings. I'm running on an alternate port on this archive server so it's valid. I'm able to connect to the server below from our PBX from command line without issue.
Any assistance is appreciated!
Thanks, Frank C