Hello everyone!
(I am new in this theme)
So I recently discovered FusionPBX I tried to install it locally it worked now I tried to install it on my Public Server because my inbound call didn't forward so I thought it might be the problem of being locally so I did after I installed it on that Server the website and everything worked I configured it with my domain and two extensions for trying out and when it trys to Register it times out anyone got a suggestion or can help?
Thanks in Advance!
(I am new in this theme)
So I recently discovered FusionPBX I tried to install it locally it worked now I tried to install it on my Public Server because my inbound call didn't forward so I thought it might be the problem of being locally so I did after I installed it on that Server the website and everything worked I configured it with my domain and two extensions for trying out and when it trys to Register it times out anyone got a suggestion or can help?
Thanks in Advance!